sacred journey of the heart
Less than 4 weeks to Optimism, Peace and Contentment
At the end of this article is information about a free teleconference on October 7, 2014 at 6 pm Pacific Time to learn more about this topic.
Excerpt from Sacred Journey of the Heart, Chapter 3. Tracy Roman, former attorney-turned- activist” for social change: “I know what my day’s going to look like tomorrow, and the next day and the next. Am I happy? And when the honest answer was no, then what am I fearing by making a change?”
Have you ever been so stressed out about a situation that that everything you’ve ever learned in managing day-to-day life went out the window? Or have you ever found yourself worrying and ruminating, creating more stress and anxiety for yourself and not know how to stop the “mind chatter” cycle?
That’s exactly what happened to me this past Spring and since then, I’ve found what I’m personally calling the “Holy Grail” of inner peace and optimism.
I have been on the search for the “Holy Grail” for years, trying one thing after another. A new process would work for a time but then old thoughts and behaviors would creep back in. At some “basic level”, I was a life-long pessimist, ruminator, worry-wart and anxiety-addict. Talk about frustration! Even after producing a full-length film and learning about heart-based living from some of the best experts on the planet, I kept default-programming into my old patterns.
So back in late May, I found myself in the middle of a very stressful situation that triggered every one of my old programs about struggle, self-worth and powerlessness. The details are not important other than to share with you that everything I learned, teach and share went out the window for me. Nothing worked. Not Radical Forgiveness, not Heart-based Coherence, not tapping (EFT), not Psych-K or any other cognitive-spiritual based modalities that had proven effective in the past.
I was discussing my frustration with one of my colleagues and she suggested that I try a new brain-based technology. I was in the throes of pessimism and the first thing out of my mouth was “I’ve already done it –and it didn’t work!” AKA, “been-there-done-that syndrome.” Next, I told her I was tired of trying new things and had come to the conclusion that I had to give up the fight and keep up my outer façade of “It’s All Good”. After all, if I just kept on “acting as if….”, maybe someday I would wake up a changed and better, sunnier person. Maybe just like Gweneth Paltrow, the latest icon of:
My colleague patiently explained to me that the program she was referring to is different than the brainwave entrainment therapies that everyone is talking about. The program she shared with me is based on individualized treatment of a person’s neurological brain lobe-specific wiring. The protocol looks at behaviors (not brain waves) and traces them back to the hard-wired brain lobe that runs the program. The therapy literally re-routes the neural pathways so that permanent behavioral change can take place. After hesitating for a few days, I had the insight that it was time to invest in myself, rather than to invest in my default position of pessimism and doubt.
It was one of the best decisions I have ever made. In a matter of a few weeks, I had an entirely new outlook on life, my old default patterns were wiped out and I was sleeping through the night. And even better, I had week by week scientifically verified progress reports on exactly what was happening in my brain!
I found out that 3 lobes of my brain were the “Default Directors” that took over the show when I became stressed. These 3 areas of the brain are: the basal ganglia, the cingulate gyrus and the limbic system. These are parts of the brain that deal with repetitive thought patterns, regulating emotion, memory formation and storage, pain processing and habit formation. What happened under stress, was my frontal cortex, the higher thinking process and executive decision maker, went off-line. And the wired in programming took over.
I finally understood why the other processes I had learned worked only up to a certain point. Cognitive and spiritual practices alone, were not effective in over-riding my brain-based wired-in patterns that were memorized over a lifetime of repetition. I am convinced that this is why so many people end up feeling WORSE after engaging in a “positive thinking” program, or a Spiritual healing practice that is supposed to work wonders. Yes, these things work, but only so far and more often than not, they go out the window when faced with a major life issue.
I am excited to share with you that I am now a certified Practitioner of Brain Tek Institute’s Behavioral Entrainment Program (BRE). I am able to provide this program to anyone in the world with high-speed internet access and stereo headphones. In 4 to 6 weeks, we will be able to re-wire your neural pathways using proprietary signals that effortlessly change your brain back to optimal functioning. This is NOT brainwave entrainment. It is very different.
I started offering this to my clients a few months ago and it has been nothing short of phenomenal to witness their results, week-by-week, as they have become free of anxiety, depression, worry, brain fog, memory issues and many physical symptoms like chronic pain, headaches and insomnia. Every single person is leaping for joy and experiencing significant progress that is verifiable.
My own progress continues to hold steady. The major stressor that sent me down this path is still going on, but I choose when to think about it and I no longer worry about worst-case-scenario. In other words, I have a renewed sense of enjoyment in life and for the first time, my optimistic outlook on life is permanent, not just a fleeting state based on outside circumstances.
I’m still a big fan of the heart, don’t get me wrong! I still use HeartMath’s Inner Balance® and emWave2® and I whole-heartedly believe and know that the electro-magnetic field of the heart is by far the strongest one in the body. I know the heart connects us all and sends signals into the field around us that can be measured and felt by others. But if the brain is mis-wired, the heart-field is clouded with the emotional baggage we are unconsciously broadcasting every moment. And that’s what draws to us, the undesirable situations that create stress – in frustrating loop that results in being stuck on a fence. There is a way out and it is easy and fast.
If you would like to learn more, please join me on a free teleconference on October 7, 2014 at 6 pm Pacific Time. You must register to attend. Once you register, you will receive a confirmation email with a dial-in number and PIN. I will be raffling two sound protocols: one at the beginning of the call and one at the end. You must be present during the call to win a prize! Email for registration:
If you are like me and don’t want to wait, please email me and I will send you all the information about BRE right away.
Here’s my new closing:
Heart-felt and Brain-Balanced Gratitude!
5 Heart Warming C’s: Curiosity, Circulation, Correlation, Coherence, Commitment
“It’s time to lift the spirit of depression of each one around us….to melt the ice in the heart of humanity”.
This is one of my favorite lines in Sacred Journey of the Heart film, spoken by Angaangaq Angakkorsuaq, nicknamed “Uncle”, a Greenland Eskimo-Kalaallit Elder and shaman. Uncle is a passionate advocate for indigenous and environmental issues that impact us all. At the heart of it all, according to Uncle, is a world-wide disconnect from our hearts and heart of earth itself. I concur.
As I’ve learned from the Institute of HeartMath, our heart is the key organ that regulates the synchronization of the body as a whole. If you haven’t seen the film, you will enjoy the evidence presented by Dr. Rollin McCraty, HeartMath’s lead scientist and Gregg Braden, NYT best-selling author and researcher that transforms our understanding about the power of the heart. They also provide astounding evidence that there IS a collective heart, and an undeniable connection between the human heart and the earth.
Graphic from Sacred Journey of the Heart© Read the rest of this entry
3 techniques that work quickly and easily!
As I revealed in the film, Sacred Journey of the Heart, like so many others, I experienced child abuse growing up. It colored every aspect of my life as an adult, from friendships, to intimate relationships, to jobs and to parenting. I was always on the lookout, waiting for the next bad thing to happen so I could be prepared. Talk about a waste of energy! Not to mention the present moments I missed by being on the defensive.
However, I am dedicated to the path of healing and I have tried more healing modalities that I can name. But it was in the making of the film itself, that deep and lasting freedom began to emerge for me. As I know it can for you too. And the good news is that it isn’t as hard as you might think!
The rest of this article is for you if you’ve ever had thoughts of:
- “I’m not good enough.”
- “What I want or say doesn’t really matter to others.”
- “I’m stuck.” or
- “No matter how hard I try, things just don’t change.”
Isn’t it time to be free of those self-limiting beliefs? Aren’t YOU worth the investment in 30 minutes a day to free yourself of these patterns?
My personal journey:
Like many people, things looked good on the outside – family, job, all the material things we accumulate to give us comfort, but on the inside, I felt like a fake. I just hoped no one noticed that I was afraid of being found out, and that I felt unworthy to be making a film about the heart’s journey when my heart still periodically was wrenched with pain, guilt and self-doubt. You know what they say: “You teach what you most need to learn.”
I was in the process of truly learning to liberate my heart and it took me to the place of deepest healing: the healing of false and self-limiting beliefs.
The Three Techniques:
Like Dr. Rocco Errico says in the film: “Healing the heart is like a diet, no one size fits all.”
So I’ll share with you 3 techniques, all which are aimed at deep heart healing and lead to true freedom from the past.
If you’ve seen the film, you know that the first turning point for me was Radical Forgiveness, a 5 step process developed by Colin Tipping. These 5 steps in a nutshell are: telling your story (Briefly), feeling your feelings, collapsing the story (separating the facts from the fiction you made up around it), reframing the story (shifting out of the victim mode) and then integrating your new story. You can see these 5 steps in action in Chapter 2 of the film, “How We Heal”. This is an amazing and quick process. I offer my coaching clients a 3 session RF package that creates lasting change.
The second technique I learned in making the film was the Freeze Frame technique created by the Institute of HeartMath. This is another 5 step process where you learn to bring in the power of your heart’s intuition to quickly get to the “heart of the matter”, and integrate a more efficient attitude, action or solution to the issue you are facing. I teach this in the 4 week “Voyage to Heart Intelligence” program, a proprietary program that can only be taught by licensed HeartMath Coaches.
The third and latest technique I’ve learned is how to get at the very cellular level of limiting beliefs that are carried inside each cell and that create a dissonant vibration that effects our health, feelings and sense of well-being. This is a technique created by Dr. Alex Loyd. I will be featuring my interview of him and a very special offer for you to be introduced to his teachings in the next newsletter.
For those of you who don’t want to wait, email me and I will send you a special access code to my interview and offer. With this approach I feel that the healing is coming full circle, all the way to the cellular level of heart-pictures that were formed before I even knew what was happening. It’s been another journey of deep liberation and completes the healing cycle, giving rise to True Independence from the past hurts. It creates a new sense of freedom to determine exactly how I will respond in any situation, how I choose to react when things happen and how I have become even more liberated from external circumstance as a dependent factor in my own inner peace.
Happy Freedom Day!