Upgrade Bonus Materials

Here are the details on the upgrade bonus gifts available for your heart’s journey. There are 13 gifts in all. Some are limited time offers! Be  sure to check out all the details!

#1) Ronna Prince’s 6 month membership to Heart Forum, a bi-monthly teleconference event

Ronna’s 6 month Heart Forum membership will provide you with invaluable tools to explore the processes of heart-based living that created a huge change in Ronna’s life, as seen in the film, Sacred Journey of the Heart. Keep the momentum of the teleseminar going! Join Ronna’s heart forum and learn/practice tools to effectively transform your life. Program begins September 18!  You must register by October 1st to access this membership as a free guest. (a $300.00 value)  

Heart Forums meets by teleconference for one hour twice a month (except December!).  You may listen and participate live or dial-in later and listen at your convenience. 6 topics of heart-based living will be presented by Ronna during the first call of the month. On the second call, we will explore the topic deeper and share our experiences, supporting each other. Click here for more information.

#2) Dr. Deborah Rozman and the Institute of HeartMath

Receive HeartMath’s online tele-training program that is validated by 30 years cutting-edge heart/brain science. (a $250.00 value)

HeartMastery is an online/tele-training program validated by 30 years cutting-edge heart/brain science which:

  • Introduces you to the power, intelligence, and potential within your own heart
  • Give you practical tools and knowledge that will assist you in creating the peace you seek both in yourself and in the world.
  • Empowers you to lead a life you truly love
  • Supports you to live life from inner-knowing, genuine care and purpose
  • Gives you a step by step process and community in which to create a heart-based world

#3) Robert Pease, PhD

Receive Dr. Robert’s 20 minute audio (mp3) download: Prosperity Temple Visualization Meditation. This is a high-tech, energy infusion that uses binaural brain beats to anchor and amplify your personal prosperity! (a $150.00 value)

Dr. Robert offers you a 20-minute guided journey to a magical place where you will open your heart to the wealth of the Universe! Follow along and relax as he leads you through a powerfully transforming healing session. This easy to enjoy meditation and visualization will support your invitation to the wealth that resides within so you can expand it in your daily living. The integrated audio includes an embedded sound track to energetically open your matrix to infuse a total sense of well being and harmony. The more you listen to the audio visualization and meditation, the deeper your empowerment to release stress. You’ll work with your inner guides and angels to release old patterns; remove blocks of fear; heal past-life issues; and gain confidence, courage, and clarity so you can live prosperous and healthy. Sit back, close your eyes and relax quietly in the comfort of your personal surrounding as you expand your awareness of infinite abundance.

#4) Kyle Cease

Receive Kyle’s 21 Days to Creative Living! – (a $99.99 value)

A self-guided video class that will break you out of your stuck-ness and into your creative flow! Kyle lays the groundwork for you in his introductory video and then, day by day, he leads you through 5 minute processes to unleash your inner creative genius! Learn how to exponentially expand your creativity from the one and only Kyle Cease, successful creative entrepreneur, actor and spiritually conscious comedian! You will never be the same!

#5) Cynthia James

Receive a 3 month membership to Cynthia James Support Network that will provide you with guidance, tools, meditations and much more… (a $59.99 value)

This free 3 MONTH Membership Includes original and heart-led coaching, guidance, tools, exercises, meditations and action steps. The first of each month, via e-mail, you receive a Guidance Newsletter outlining the monthly theme. Every Sunday, via e-mail, you receive a Coaching Video to launch you into your week. Every Wednesday, via e-mail, you receive a Mid-week Check-in that summarizes the weekly lesson. Every Friday, via the phone number of your choice, you receive a phone call from Cynthia blessing your progress. This is a gift that keeps on giving! Claim your gift now! Registration for this offer closes on October 1st!

#6) Sarah McLean

Receive Sarah’s 3 Heart-centered Meditations and The Hay House Radio 8-Week Companion Series to Sarah McLean’s book, Soul-Centered (a $59.99 value)

Sarah’s bonus gifts consists of tools that will calm your body, heal your heart and increase your compassion for loved ones! Start your meditation journey with Sarah, or enhance your practice with these beautiful and enriching audios and 8 week companion series:

  • A 20-minute Gratitude Meditation – featured on Sarah McLean’s best selling CD: Meditate.
  • A 40-minute Loving Your Body, Transcending Your Mind Meditation – with Sarah McLean
  • A 25-minute Loving Kindness Meditation to cultivate an open, loving heart.
  • The Hay House Radio 8-Week Companion Series to Sarah McLean’s book, Soul-Centered

#7) Sunny Dawn Johnston

Receive Sunny’s 2 transformational audios and an 18 minute mini- class on her 9 step process of invoking the Archangel Michael! (a $59.99 value)

Download these heart-centered gifts from Sunny that will increase your sense of optimism and encourage you to love yourself more each day! Learn how to connect with the Archangels yourself with guidance from Sunny, a master intuitive teacher! Her gifts consist of the following:

  • Body Meditation from Embracing The Body That Is
  • This meditation is to help you learn to appreciate, love and accept your body, right now, today.
  • Energetic Positive Affirmations from Positive Affirmations CD
  • This is a high vibration Affirmation CD, to help support you in shifting the negative mind chatter into positive higher vibration words and thoughts. Just repeat the affirmations after me.
  • The Archangels by Sunny Dawn Johnston
  • This is an 18 minute mini class on the Archangels, a Archangel Michael Meditation, the 9 step process to heal your heart and music by my amazing soul musician, Kris Voelker.

#8) Mat Boggs

Receive Mat’s audio download (mp3): Reverse Visioning Process (a $59.99 value)

This audio contains a very unique process that begins with your desired end result and walks you through the steps to create it in reverse! Mat’s process is one-of-a kind and effective! Give it a try If you are…..

  • Tired of Trying To Figure Men Out…
  • Fed Up With Attracting The Wrong Men…
  • Sick of Bad Dates and Painful Breakups…
  • Ready for Lasting Love…

Then, this program is calling your name!

  • Would you like to be in a meaningful and fulfilling relationship that lasts?
  • Would you like to have a proven method for communication that bonds your man to you and gives you a deep level of connectedness?
  • Would you like to understand the inner-workings of your man’s heart and mind, so that no matter what comes up you can face any situation with confidence and peace of mind?

#9) Dr. John Demartini

Receive an audio download (mp3): How to Create an Amazing Life (a $59.99 value)

Dr John Demartini, a human behavioral specialist, educator and author shares with you his secrets on how to bring more inspiration and balance into your daily life and how to awaken a sense of purpose and drive at work. If you want to be inspired by your life, driven to achieve, have vitality and enthusiasm both at home and at work, or are you just want to breakthrough to the next level, then this audio gift will be just what you need to refocus your mind and heart and juggle the stresses and demands of your busy life. You deserve to live an amazing life and Dr. Demartini shows you how!  Listen to this Inspiring audio by Dr John Demartini.

#10) Nick Ortner

Receive a 6 part downloadable audio CD (mp3). Tapping for Stress Relief – Containing a total 47 minutes of invaluable and practical material! (A $29.99 value)

Learn all about how to use EFT tapping, why tapping works scientifically and then practice simple tapping processes to help you start your morning refreshed and excited to take on the day. In the final two parts, follow along to de-stress in the evening and prepare for a deep and restful night of sleep and rejuvenation!

#11) Colin Tipping

Receive Colin’s Ebook: Getting to Heaven on a Harley (a $19.99 value)

This Ebook provides you with a unique approach to planning your future from a “heavenly perspective”! First, you awaken to the truth of who you are. Then, with crystal clarity, you plan “what’s next.” This is why Colin calls this book a “Radical Karma Workbook.” It will help you put the principles of Radical Forgiveness and Radical Manifestation into practice in your every day life.

Getting to Heaven on a Harley is a comprehensive and fun workbook that includes constructing your own life review, as well as assignments for “becoming and staying awake”. At the end of the workbook, Colin offers you invaluable tools for consciously creating a“radical incarnation”.

To claim you gift, follow this link and use the coupon code “journey” and proceed to checkout.

#12) Caroline Sutherland

Receive Caroline’s Ebook: The Body Knows, How to Tune into Your Body and Improve Your Health         (a $19.99 value)

This book is dedicated to bringing you the pearls of ‘physical body wisdom’ distilled into an easy-to-follow formula. From cover to cover, Caroline Sutherland , medical intuitive, takes readers on an ‘edge of the seat’ journey into understanding the terrain of the physical, emotional and spiritual components of vibrant health. This book is the portal of entry into finding out the truth in your own health equation!

Weaving her compelling story as a medical intuitive between fascinating case histories, practical ‘places to look’ for solutions to common health problems, environmental factors, common allergens, body health profiles, menopause, children, the elderly and medical intuitive development, this book explains how to ‘hone’ the instincts and demystify physical body processes. If you have ever wondered why you gain weight, retain fluid, feel tired, get headaches, have joint stiffness or lack energy and what to do about it.

#13) Bob Proctor

Receive Bob’s mp3 download on “Purpose, Vision, Goals”, a 33 minute mini-master class on manifestation.   (a  $14.99 value)

Bob talks you through how to determine  your definite purpose and get past your own roadblocks (and everyone else’s) to truly create the life of your dreams. You’ll learn how to plot your course with short- term goals that adhere to your long -term vision, and come to recognize the warning signs when you’ve veered from your purpose.

In this audio class with Bob Proctor, you’ll learn:

  • Why you don’t want to settle for what’s “safe”
  • How to fall in love with an idea
  • Getting past the negatives to find your truth
  • Why you’re not on this planet to live someone else’s dream
  • How purpose leads to vision, and vision leads to goals
  • Fixing on your vision, then plotting your course
  • What happens when you’re not doing what you should be doing
  • The TRUE of ambition