Rave Reviews

Hi Ronna: I just want to thank you for the very, very wonderful Telesummit you provided! The line-up of speakers was incredible and YOU are an excellent moderator.   THANK YOU SO MUCH!! Love~ Deb M

I have no words to express my gratitude and appreciation for all your hard work in bringing this program together. I feel lighter and happier than when this program started. Thanks so much to you, your team, and all the speakers involved for this valuable information, that has made me more aware in so many ways. Thanks again for all. Blessings~ Grace Z. from Mexico 
 Thank you very much for opening my heart. I love and bless you.~Natasha Salguero Bravo
 I Love this! I posted something similar yesterday- I marvel how we are all connected! ~ Katherine Edmonds
I just wanted to say a very heartfelt thank you for the wonderful telesummit you presented.  It was absolutely amazing–such a wealth of inspirational and motivational information.  And your story is so inspiring and awesome–you’re a true example of “infinite possibilities”! Thanks again, Many blessings ~ Mardell I. 

Hi! Thanks for all your emails! I loved listening to the material you sent me. Best wishes, Mirta P

Ronna, Thank you for offering and bringing this whole event to all of us. I am grateful for the opportunity to listen to all the speakers I would probably never had the opportunity to hear. I will so enjoy these gifts forever. Thank You so very much. ~ Deena R

Dear Ronna,  I am so happy to learn about your meditation technique, I can’t seem to put it into words. I have been searching for correct meditation for 2 years now and have tried many, but now have found it…THIS IS IT! I Love your meditations they are Amazing! Thank you so much! ~ Lavanya D from India


Thank you so much for this telesumit, I’m benefiting so much.~ Dianne S, USA
Wonderful and many blessings! I am so grateful for the incredible world wide response! ~ Christo S
I am sooooo grateful to you Ronna. You will never know!!!. I am so happy for u and so inspired by u!!!! ~ Sherry G
To me you are the gift from heaven. Gregg Braden is the chosen one to globalize the Divine Matrix ( I am a big fan of Gregg Braden), but you have globalize the basic principal to get there and that makes you so special ofcourse it’s also for the people who works with you both. We all must be greatefull for the good work you both do. I appreciate you and your work, thank you Ronna love you. ~ Winnie van den Broek 

Dear Ronna, Again thanks a lot for having organized this telesummit!  I’ve upgraded the package for unlimited replays – replays help me a lot to get used to every speaker’s accent and my 2nd replay is often much more productive for me. With my best wishes and gratitude, Natalia, ~Russia

Hi Ronna– I have been using many of the techniques from this last week and moment by moment there has been a shift in where I am coming from- and the things-thinks- literally that my children have expressed have been profound. Thank you for the In Powerment! ~ Lisa S
Thank you Ronna 4 gr8 series! ~ Amy S,, LMT, NCBTMB, Reiki, Healing Touch, Sound Therapy, Nutritional Support
Thank you very much for the wonderful meditations! Putting my hands over my heartmade a big difference, my heart is so very tender yet, strong at the same time. Thanks for sharing! :) ~Danny B.
Ronna, you are an angel. I have never made a better investment in my life. I feel like I’ve invested in Microsoft when it was pennies a share. But the value can’t be expressed in a dollar amount. How can we place a price on the nurturance of the Soul? The tremendous volume of material from this telesummit eclipses anyone’s wildest imagination.  What a great tribute to your life. SUCCESS! You have wonderful friends. God bless you and all your guests. ~ Tom J
Thank you… It is all very inspiring, Looking so forward to watching your movie. ~Linda
Thank you for for the wonderful meditations. I feel truly blessed and filled with love and well being after listening to them. Much love~ Nan W.
Thank you thank you thank you. Have really been enjoying the Meditations. They work amazingly well to activate and expand my heart centre – what a beautiful feeling! I’ve been doing some other spiritual/energetic studies which involve tapping into my heart centre as often as possible – and it is so simple with these meditations – the timing of you making these available is (of course) perfect!  Much, much gratitude for your generosity at providing these at no cost. Love and blessings to you all. ~ Tracie

Hi, good morning. Thank you so much for all the extraordinary conversations. Best regards. Namasté. ~ Patricia

Dear Ronna Prince,  Thank you, thank you for the meditations, really, bless you, and peace, and best wishes! ~ April
Hi Ronna, Thank you so much for sharing your Heart Opening meditations. They are simply beautiful and inspiring.Thanks so much again for sharing. ~Love, Trish
Thank you for sharing and helping me on my way to keep on track to my new journey and what I want to become. ~Ana
Dear Ronna, I feel so connected!!!! Thank You! Greetings from the heart. ~Yolanda M, the Netherlands

Thank you and all those who have made this wonderful event possible, for all the loving, healing energy you have flowed and continue to flow throughout our planet and the universe. I have thoroughly enjoyed and benefited hugely from all I have heard. THANK YOU for your courage and compassion and your determination to see this life-enhancing project come to fruition. Love and Light. ~Karen L, USA

Dear Ronna: I love the 5 meditations, make me feel good and learned about myself. Thank you for extending the listening period of this telesummit audio. Kind regards. ~Graciela
I think you are AWESOME! You are so relate-able, genuine and grounded. Thank you so much for this valuable series! ~Leslie S
Thanks Ronna, I love what you are doing. It is all so helpful to me. You are the best!!! ~ Sally C
Hi Ronna, Thank you so much for all of the wonderful information and gifts being shared during this telesummit. It’s a lot to take in, but I purchased the Global package, so I can take some time to absorb the information from all of the speakers. Thanks. ~ Natalie B
Hi Ronna,  Thanks for all the e-mails and beautiful gifts, I’m really enjoying them! Thank you for your work on this enlightening project. ~ Drew
Dear Ronna:  I want to thank you for your Gifts, the 5 beutifull sesions of heart Meditation and the Gregg Braden video. I feel very gratefull, my language s Spanish, and I don’t have perfect English, instead OF, I do my best. I SEND YOU MY WARM REGARDS . ~SILVIA I, Argentina
As I’ve been listening to you this week it has been like connecting the dots. Forgiveness…Ho’oponopono (Hawaiian forgiveness and living from adult emotions)…Thanks. ~Ruth A
Good morning Ronna,   All your speakers are bringing something into my life. I am so grateful. But this I know for sure with Heart Felt intent I will meet with you in my future I feel this heart felt connection quite strongly. I am not a woman given to flights of fancy and have lived my life mostly in the head with flashes of heart felt inspirations, although I intuitively knew somehow this was the wrong way round.Here in the UK we are not quite so free with our feelings and emotions but this is changing. I’ve enjoyed so much the freedom with which your speakers talk. Ronna thank you with all my heart. ~Kerry L, United Kingdom
Thank you for your incredible generosity and sharing your vision with us this week! ~Sally C
I am so inspired by this event! Ronna always gives such heartfelt advice. Dr. Backstrom’s talk was outstanding! It touched my heart. I hope everyone appreciates what a gift we are receiving from this summit. Please continue with your wonderful work, it is amazing! ~Nancy G
“I have been able to listen and have almost completed the recordings. When I think of how much I had to commit to listen and participate I can only begin to imagine the totality of your gift! Your generosity of your time, energy and love is magnanimous !!!”  ~ Kerry