Referral Partner Benefits


Thank you for your interest in the Sacred Journey of the Heart’s Referral Partner program!

Together we are creating a global awareness about the power of our collective hearts. As we spread the word that heart-connection is a scientific reality as well as a long-cherished spiritual principle, we are contributing to a world of wholeness, abundance and love. We have many new and exciting action-oriented programs being planned to augment the film’s message: workshops, holistic health retreats, a practitioner training program and trips to sacred sites!

Global Wholeness Corp, the film’s parent company, is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with a mission to bring healing and wholeness to individuals and communities, thereby impacting the earth itself through the power of love.

As a Referral partner, you will be helping to educate people that we are ALL ONE and we are truly connected through our hearts. Simply spreading the word about the film will encourage your friends and loved ones to dive deeper and learn more about the power of the human heart.

After watching the movie, many people are inspired to take action and to learn the teachings and tools presented in the film. As a referral partner of Sacred Journey of the Heart, you will receive benefits by referring people to our programs and by participating in our programs yourself.  Most of all, you will know that you are contributing to the global movement towards heart-based living!

As a referral partner you will receive the following Referral partner Benefits:

  • The Referral partner program is free.
  • No product stock to handle - We fulfill all orders.
  • 20% commission on DVD’s and books.
  • 10% commission on Workshops, and Special Events, including select sacred travel journeys.
  • Easy sign up and our system tracks every sale generated by your company or list.
  • We pay you at the end of the month every time you earn a minimum of $100 in commissions.

Get started now!

Click here and complete the online application.  You will then receive an e-mail confirming your referral partner link. Also, you will have immediate access to your sales reports so that you can view the performance of your links and see how much you are earning as well as additional resources to help make getting the word out easier. Resources will include: sample FaceBook posts, tweets for your Twitter account, content for emails and blogs as well as multiple images of the DVD and more.

Global Wholeness Corp will mail you a check at the end of each month when you accumulate a minimum of $100 in commissions.

The check will be mailed to the billing contact information that you put on your application.

