Watch the movie Online
Sacred Journey of the Heart
You are NOW able to stream the movie from anywhere in the world for $9.99.Watch the Full Length Featured Film below.
How it works:
From the time of your purchase, you will have 48 hours in which to watch the film. You will be able to stop the movie and come back to it as long as it is within the 48 hour time period. Should you choose to stop the film, note the time code when you do this – for example, you stopped it at 45 minutes. When you return, you can slide the play bar to that 45 minutes mark and continue watching.
CLICK HERE for addtional video clips!
When you press the play button below, you will be able to watch the first 5 minutes of the film for free and then a box will appear in the middle of the screen asking you to make your payment in order to continue the streaming. Note: It may take a minute or two for the video player to load. Simply click on the box and follow the prompts.