Examples of Family Constellation Healings
According to my Family Constellation teacher, Marina Toledo, worldwide interest in this modality is increasing exponentially. Here is an image from a recent session with a client of one of ways we create a Meta-Image of the family soul for healing
Here is what Marina shared with me on July 2nd: “When we are born into a family, we get entangled at the soul level with events and people that were not talked about by our ancestors (due to too much pain, shame, guilt, etc.) and we are unconsciously loyal to the way our predecessors lived their life. Later on, these unconscious programs hold us back from doing well in life if they were not able to, so we tend to repeat their unhappy relationships, financial struggles, illnesses, limiting emotional patterns, etc. Since I travel to facilitate in different countries, I am noticing an increasing interest in epigenetics and the effects of inherited family trauma worldwide. Family Constellations has become the most well-known methodology to bring to light these unconscious programs in order to untangle yourself from living out the destiny of your ancestors and free yourself up to live the life you are really meant to live.”
Wow! How powerful is that? And I have been training diligently with Marina in order to bring this modality to the USA as a more effective and easy way of healing inherited dramas and traumas, otherwise called “epigenitic inheritance”.
Some of the most intriguing research over the past few years has been on the subject of transgenerational epigenetic inheritance.
Transgenerational epigenetic inheritance is the transmission of information from one generation of an organism to the next that affects the traits of offspring without alteration of the primary structure of DNA —in other words, epigenetically
One study published in 2018 demonstrated that memories of environmental changes were passed down through 14 (yes -14!) generations, the largest time span ever recorded in a creature being studied. Granted, this was a study on the nematoad or roundworm, but the results provided resounding proof of the transmission of memories that impacted the physiology of future generations. Here is the article:
More about human studies from the article: “..research suggests that events in our lives can indeed affect the development of our children and perhaps even grandchildren – all without changing the DNA.
For example, studies have shown that both the children and grandchildren of women who survived the Dutch famine of 1944-45 were found to have increased glucose intolerance in adulthood.
Other researchers have found that the descendants of Holocaust survivors have lower levels of the hormone cortisol, which helps your body bounce back after trauma.
I am working on writing out some case studies from recent examples of healings with my clients, in the meantime, I can share this personal example:
In my own family, my youngest son was incapacitated with chronic migraines from age 14-18 unable to go to school or have a social life. In a constellation session, we uncovered that he was carrying a “hidden loyalty” – something that happens as an inherited trauma at the unconscious level, to two of our ancestors that died of head trauma:
1) my dad’s brother, uncle Wesley, died at age 5 in 1930 by falling out of tree and hitting his head, and 2) my maternal grandmother’s brother, my great-uncle Karl who died at age 18 in 1931, by diving head-first into the shallow end of a swimming pool.
How could these two untimely deaths have impacted my son who was born 70 years AFTER these incidents in 1930 and 1931, one on each side of my family tree?
The explanation comes from the burgeoning study of “transgenerational epigenetic inheritance.” (see article above)
Thomas inherited this double-trauma memory through me, his mom, and he was unconsciously holding a loyalty to these two young men, both whom lost their lives early on to head trauma – before their adult lives even started. After the FC session, we started to find answers for Thomas’ headaches, he began to heal, to have less frequent and less severe migraines. He graduated from high school and headed off to college in the Fall of 2018!
I am now using tools and sacred objects with my clients to create a Meta-picture of the family soul dynamics. The image at the top of the article shows how I have been using representatives of family members for healing. It is a fun process and it works! Stay tuned for more examples. To contact me for an intro FC session: call 602-315-6335