sacred journey of the heart

If you’ve met me in person, you may never know that I have a scar on my back. I have a scar that you most likely wouldn’t see because I don’t see it either. I don’t see it, because it’s on my back and you don’t see it because of how I, (like most of us) dress – with my midriff covered.  We all have scars- and most of them are hidden… but they tell us something profound about healing if we are willing to share.

My scar is just right of the midline to my spine, between Lumber Disc# 3 and Lumbar Disc #4.  There are 5 lumbar discs and they start at #1 on the top and #5 at the bottom. So you can see, from the image below, that my scar transects my midsection – and if we were to draw a straight line horizontally from back to front of my body, the scar would correlate to my navel on the front of my body.

So who cares? Why would I even mention this, much less on father’s day?

Because I have come to understand, integrate, and respect what this scar means to me, and in doing so, cultivate my ability to help others to heal at the deepest level of their being.

I am not going to cite other authors or well-known people in drawing conclusions about the significance of this area of the body that transects the human midsection at the navel.  Why? Because we do not need “experts” to tell us what this area means.  If we are on a conscious healing path of any kind, all we have to do is to close our eyes and FEEL into this area of our body that includes our navel in the front, and the spinal area of L3/L4 in the back.

Take a moment to stop reading, breathe into this area, and feel right into where the line on the diagram below, the “lumbar curvature”, is pointing to.

When we take a moment just to feel and breathe into this space, we will sense that we are connecting to our inner fortitude, and to our connection to life itself. Oriental traditions call this area the “ lower tan  t’ien” (dantien) or the Sea of Qi. It is the area of the body where Essence and Spirit are stored, regenerated and/or stagnated.  This is also the area of a “hidden” chakra, or energy center in the body. It is the gold chakra,also called the HARA chakra, between the yellow and orange centers. This energy center governs our sense of worthiness and ability to generate wealth.

12 chromatic chakras

12 chromatic chakras, copyright Ronna Prince

Indeed, as we were nourished by the umbilical connection from our mother in utero, this area of the body took in and nourished our  own life force energy or QI. All our nourishment and nutrition came from our mother’s body into our fetus’ body, right at the L3/L4 area.

And this area is related to our skeletal system that supports both flexibility and strength throughout life.  When we tune into this area of our body, we can discern how we feel about the nature of life itself.  Is life giving, nourishing and supportive?  Or do we feel that life is disappointing, scarce and competitive?

Another way to put this this is: are we supported in life, by life itself and hence by people around us, OR, are we in it alone, and other people are potentially detracting at best, or destructive at worst?

My dad did NOT cause the scar on my back between L3/L4.  At least not with a direct mechanism of injury.  But he did, in fact, cut me off from my life source for a number of years.  He told me that I was “bad” and that I was the CAUSE of the things that were happening to me as a young child. He cut me off from my truth at a very young age.

And the interesting part, is that I am not waving the victim flag today (or any other day) by blaming him for what happened. Because, in order for him to do the things he did to me, something horrible had to have happened to him. I know that. And I also know that his behavior towards me was inexcusable on a human, father-to-daughter level.

That being said, the scar on my back that resulted from the surgery to remove the tumor that grew there at age 13, has been a hidden, but motivating force in my own life to heal. And to heal on every level of my being… from the obvious (scar), to the less obvious (scared) and into the mystical (sacred).  And the gift that I have cultivated through awareness of the deepest level of healing, has been to regain the sacred connection to my own life force, QI.  In doing this deep personal work, I have had the privilege of being able to guide others on their unique healing pathways to become whole once again. I have been able to help others to reconnect  to their inner source of energy, QI, to Life itself.

Many people get constricted from the natural flow of life source energy, or Qi. Because this is a subtle energy anatomy disorder vs a physical anatomy condition, it can be difficult to identify. Here are the major indications of a constricted flow of Qi:

feeling tired of life (burnout), an anxious feeling in the pit of the stomach, lack of direction and focus in general, pessimism, feeling that one can never do enough or “be” enough and difficulty with the emotions of happiness, joy and peace.

In order to restore the full flow of Qi, there are specific connections that need to be made on physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels. When this healing happens, our energy is restored and life is beautiful again. Truly!  Our scars are no longer signs of our wounds, but they become proof of our strength.

So, you will not see my scar when you meet me. But now, because I have shared this with you, we will both know that it is there as a reminder of the potential and the CHOICE to heal. It reminds me each day, of the courage and dignity that I possess deep within, knowing that I have regained my QI, my life force.  The point of this article is to let you know that I KNOW, … at some level, we all have scars.

My dad did not physically put my scar on my back. My dad gave me life. Then, he cut me off from my own truth.  But by finding my way back from this disconnect, I reconnected to my own core. And with the gift of having healed, I now offer help to others to do the same thing. If this resonates with you, please reach out. I am here. You are not alone.

One of the most important questions we can ask is: Do I contribute or detract from situations in my life?” In other words, do I make this world a better place?

In the exploration of this question and of consciousness itself, at some point, we will begin to consider the level and quality of our “energetic vibration”. Our vibration is the signal that emanates from us, originating inside our bodies. This energetic signal is broadcast to the world around us. This vibration comes from many levels and the most powerful and easily measurable signal comes from our hearts.

Image used by permission of HeartMath, LLC as part of Sacred Journey of the Heart.

Image used by permission of HeartMath, LLC as part of Sacred Journey of the Heart.

In this article, I will touch on the primary components that make up our vibration and I will share ways that you can literally master your most important resource – your own energy, your entire “biofield”. The world “biofield” has become a new buzzword in many professions.  The online Medical Dictionary defines is as:

“the subtle energy fields that permeate the living body.”

When you start to learn about your personal energy of biofield, you will be more equipped to become a “person of increase”.  This is a term I learned from Mary Morrissey, the narrator of my film, Sacred Journey of the Heart.  As Mary describes it, she gets up every day and asks, “How can I make this a great day? How can I be a person of increase?”

For example, my beloved life partner and chiropractic physician, Dr. Donald Backstrom, is one of the most amazing persons of increase I have ever been around. I’ve seen him change the entire demeanor of people he doesn’t even know. People at the cash register, people at the service station when his car needs a tune up, people he says hi to on the street. And always, every day, he is a person of increase for his patients that come to him for help when the traditional medical industry can’t find answers to their physical issues. It’s a privilege to be around people like this and I am truly blessed to be with him.

Whether you know it or not, you are always contributing positive or negative energy into the field around you.

So what’s the difference between persons of increase and persons of decrease?

Persons of Increase: You know that you are in the presence of a person of increase when you feel better around them. You laugh because they tend to laugh a lot. You smile because they are smiling. You are inspired to think of ways you can improve your life or contribute to your own well-being and the well-being of others. When you talk, they listen. You can tell and feel that they care. And these are authentic people who have full emotional lives, meaning that they are not fakey “it’s all good people”. They feel and are aware of all of their emotions and don’t avoid any feeling or label feelings as good or bad. Here are the energetic questions that drive a person of increase: “What can I give or contribute? How can I help? What can I do to make things better?”

Persons of Decrease: When you are around a person of decrease (or a net detractor in the field), you can feel their stress. Usually this type of person is either rushing or distracted.  They may be texting while you are talking or on their computer when you are on the phone with them. When you leave their presence you think, “Whew, I’m glad to get outta here!” And the most challenging aspect of this type of person is that they are frequently judging and labeling. Judging you, themselves and the events in their immediate environment. Here are the energetic questions that drive a person of decrease: “What can I get, what’s in it for me? What’s next on my to do list? How do I get my needs met?”

It’s all about energy, and we are in charge of the energy we contribute to the field.  As an energy practitioner, coach and guide, I help my clients learn to master their own energy field, and in doing so, lead more purposeful and heart-centered lives.

Here are the primary components that contribute to our overall vibration, ultimately determining whether we “increase or decrease” in the field around us.

Our Heart: Our heart emits the most powerful, measurable signal from our bodies to the field around us. Our hearts are broadcasting, beat-to-beat, our emotional state and the physiological balance (or for most people, imbalance) of our central nervous system. As Dr. Rollin McCraty of HeartMath shared in my film, our hearts are responsible for generating over 80-90% of the signals being sent from the two vagus nerves that connect our heart and brain to regulate the balance between these two important organs. The signals sent from our heart also largely determine the balance in two parts of our central nervous system. As he says, “it’s not even a close call – we have far more information being sent from heart-to-brain than the other way around.” (view the film for more information)

You can very easily learn how to regulate your heart’s signal and how to balance your central nervous system (meaning- to live in a condition of ease vs stress. As you most likely know, stress is the primary cause of most illnesses.)  This has been the three decade long work of the Institute of HeartMath. I offer many heart math learning opportunities as a certified coach and instructor. If you are interested in personal HeartMath coaching, you can find out more about the 4 week Voyage to Heart Intelligence here (scroll down).

All of our physical organs. In fact, all of our physical organs send out frequencies measured in hertz.

In 1992, Bruce Tainio of Tainio Technology, an independent division of Eastern State University in Cheny, Washington, built the first frequency monitor in the world. Tainio has determined that the average frequency of the human body during the daytime is 62-68 [M]Hz. A healthy body frequency is 62-72 [M]Hz. When the frequency drops, the immune system is compromised. Check out these very interesting findings:

Human Body:
Genius Brain Frequency 80-82 MHz
Brain Frequency Range 72-90 MHz
Normal Brain Frequency 72 MHz
Human Body 62-78 MHz
Human Body: from Neck up 72-78 MHz
Human Body: from Neck down 60-68 MHz
Thyroid and Parathyroid glands are 62-68 MHz
Thymus Gland is 65-68 MHz
Heart is 67-70 MHz
Lungs are 58-65 MHz
Liver is 55-60 MHz
Pancreas is 60-80 MHz


Staying healthy is the best way of taking care of our physical body frequencies!

Our chakras: Our chakras, or subtle body energy centers are both generating signals as well as responding to our inner and outer environment. Learning how to balance our chakras is a very empowering way of mastering our personal biofield. You can get a Biofield Viewer scan to get a picture of your chakras, aura, organs and much more. This amazing technology is available in the Chicago area through my colleague, Astera Manis at

There are many websites dedicated to education on the 7 traditional chakras.  However, in my research and work, the 7 traditional chakras represent an incomplete and outdated system!  I teach about the 12 major chakra centers, which include the 5 Aquarian chakras that are located in between the traditional 7. Learning how to consciously activate and balance the 5 Aquarian chakras can literally “fill in the missing pieces” of your life.

The 5 Aquarian chakras govern the following: “higher mind functions” such as clairvoyance and clair-audience, the ability to express clearly from your heart, heart-based leadership, worthiness, personal purpose and the ability to determine truth. And they also govern our sense of inter-connectedness (vs. co-dependence or disconnect).

My webinar, The Triple Heart Healing program delves deep into an understanding of the 12 chromatic chakras and instructs you on how to use your “hidden hearts” to heal from emotional distress. For more details scroll down to the Triple Heart Healing Webinar information here.

Our aura: Our aura is the subtle energy that surrounds our physical body and is a result of the sum of all of our other systems, chakras, organs, meridians, etc.  We can learn how to manage our aura and how to use it to provide energetic support and protection in our daily lives. When I see an aura imbalance in my clients, I know that it originates in some other part of the energy anatomy. I can “see” auras remotely, meaning you don’t have to be in the same room as me for me to get a read on your auric field. If you are interested in a personal session that includes advice and suggestions to master your aura, please email me at

Our acupuncture meridians: Just as there are 12 major chakra centers in the body, there are 12 major acupuncture meridians! The classical Chinese explanation is that energy or Chi, (life force) flows throughout the body and over its surfaces.  These channels are rivers of energy which are referred to as meridians. There are about 400 acupuncture points along the meridians. Just like the chakras, the meridians transmit and reflect the overall state of our being.

I highly recommend acupuncture, acupressure and other related eastern modalities. My partner, Dr. Donald Backstrom incorporates acupuncture in his chiropractic practice.  He uses an Acugraph device which quickly scans your 12 meridians and then he balances them with cold lasers and acupressure. It’s really an amazing technology. If you are in the Chicago area, click here to learn about this holistic practice:

Our emotions and level of emotional mastery. Lack of emotional mastery is the major cause for almost all disputes, relationship conflicts and misunderstandings. What this leads to ultimately, is living a big chunk of life through the subconscious and unconscious mechanisms of projection, blame, suppression, repression and denial.  You can change this but you have to really put effort into it, like anything else!

The fact is, we are not taught about emotions, why we have them in the first place, and what we can do to become more adept at managing our emotional energy. The best book that has ever been written about  emotions in my opinion, is The Language of Emotion, by Karla McClaren. And the best catch-phrase about emotions was coined by John Bradshaw in his breakthrough book, Family Secrets: What you Don’t Know Can Hurt You. He said:  “You can’t heal, what you don’t feel.”  This is absolutely 100% true!

This is why I demonstrated exactly how to productively express challenging emotions in my film. I recently had a comment on GaiaTV (where my film is streaming online) that is a perfect example of how challenging it is for people to understand the purpose of expressing challenging emotions. If you haven’t seen it, you might want to watch my film on Gaia and see if you can discern why the viewer was so upset by my emotional scene in Chapter Two of the film called: The Emotional Heart- How We Heal. Click here for the link to the film’s page on GaiaTV.

Our mindset and thoughts: This category is one that most people are aware of and are comfortable with discussing and debating. It is still the prevailing paradigm that “our thoughts create our reality”.

Most of us know that if we spend the day thinking negative and gloomy thoughts, our day doesn’t go very well. And if we choose to think positive and uplifting thoughts, we generally feel better and respond to our world in a more optimistic frame of mind.

But I always caution my clients about the trap that exists within what some have called the “Cult of Positivity.” This mindset exists with teachers and people who claim that you should only think positive things and if you do, your life will go along swimmingly.  In other words, all the lights will be green, you will have your dream job, house and life partner and you will not have problems.

The “problem” with this is that when challenges happen as they do for everyone, with this mindset, we tend to blame ourselves for failing to be positive and thus creating the bad thing in our lives. I have worked with quite a few clients who have been deeply wounded by this mentality. Our work together has been to get back to a realistic perspective on life and to accept that sometimes, bad things happen to good and positive people.  And it’s not because they had bad thoughts in the first place! Just look around the world and you can see the deep soul-damage created by this pitfall. Would it be fair, compassionate or even reasonable to tell the parent of someone whose loved one lost their life in a terrorist attack to say that their bad thoughts created the experience?!! Not at all – and this is where the damage happens.

We all have a responsibility to live the best life we can, accepting the good and the challenging parts without ego aggrandizement or blame. That being said, if you notice you are predominately dwelling in negative thoughts (usually based on past circumstances) you can absolutely make the choice to shift this.  My blog article on how to change this pattern can be a good starting place:

In addition to all of the above, our personal practices of meditation, self-care and other daily activities are very important and contribute to keeping us vital, balanced, healthy and alive! It takes practice, effort and commitment to live the best life can live. It IS possible to live consistently as a person of increase. The key part is learning to manage and master our personal energy field. And when we do this,  we truly enjoy being a human being and all that life has to offer!

Stay tuned for my upcoming webinar on HeartMath’s Journey of Heart Intelligence!

Ronna Prince is an intuitive counselor, a HeartMath instructor, a Radical Forgiveness Coach and an aura-soma practitioner. Her passion is leading clients through deep and lasting transformations!

If you can answer the following question with one word, from the deepest place of your soul, you will undoubtedly see your whole life in a different light.  You will have clarity on how the higher aspect of the law of attraction works and you will also have the capacity to literally change your interactions with people and the world around you.

So what is the question? More on that in a minute, but first, what is this higher aspect of the law of attraction I’m talking about?

It’s not really the law of attraction, but a higher law in the 12 universal laws of creation. It’s called the Law of Reciprocity and it is one of the 3 highest universal laws, law #9.  The law of attraction is actually law #7 and is based upon duality and cause and effect. The law of reciprocity is connected with confluence, a coming together of many possibilities that work in harmony with each other (vs. in opposition.) If you are in opposition, you often see only one choice or one outcome OR you are dismayed because you don’t want what you are getting!

When you are working with the Law of Reciprocity, your consciousness is focused on the big picture and how people and resources involved contribute to many outcomes and experiences. The consciousness of this law is based on the question; “what can I contribute, how can I help, what principal is being served for a greater good”? This is very different from the law of attraction is that is largely focused on “I, me and personal outcomes and desires.”

If you are interested in exploring more about this, I invite you to delve into my 4 part online class.  Learning how to work consciously with the higher laws is very empowering.

So what is the one question?

The question is this: What are you seeking in this life? It can also be posed this way: What is your primary purpose in life? Or even more simply, What are you here to learn?

And the key is that you must answer this question (in any of the forms above), with one word and one word only.

As an intuitive spiritual counselor, I can share with you with that most people engage with me to explore and answer questions about career, relationships, finances, and healing from past difficulties and traumas. These are all valid topics. But resolving these issues and the questions associated with them (Who, what, when, why and how), would require more than one word and the answer would not illuminate your life in the way I describe in the first paragraph.

I’ll share with you some of the most common one-word answers and then explore how answering this question will change your life.

What are you seeking in this life? Examples of one word answers:

  • Peace
  • Acceptance
  • Fairness
  • Love
  • Belonging
  • Wisdom
  • Courage
  • Abundance
  • Completion
  • Contentment
  • Happiness

You can easily see from this list of possibilities that the other variations of this question,  “What is your primary purpose in life?  What are you here to learn?”, can be answered by the same word. And if you assess your life honestly, you will see that the one word applies to every issue in your life.

So let’s explore one of these words and see how this process works.

In my case, I know that I am here to learn about acceptance. When I deeply pondered this question with the purpose of boiling the answer down to one word, I realized that my whole life has been about accepting myself and accepting others. It’s not about “getting or being” accepted. It is simply to learn to accept what is, without needing to change things or people.  The very thing that I have been seeking, I realized, has also been seeking me my whole life, in the experiences, people and lessons I’ve learned.

The poet Rumi expressed the simplicity of how this works in this way:

 rumi seeking

So in my case, the acceptance I have been seeking, has also been seeking me. And the way “acceptance” has been seeking me is through life experiences and people that have both challenged and affirmed my willingness to accept what is, just as it is.

Most of you are aware that I experienced prolonged and debasing abuse as a child.  I disclosed this in my film, Sacred Journey of the Heart, and it took a lot of courage to do this. But courage has not been the primary theme of my life. I have had to be courageous in order to survive. But I have spent decades learning to accept myself and the situations in my life, as they are.

(And yes, I am familiar with Byron Katie’s seminal work, Loving What Is, published in 1994.  I highly recommend it.  But at the time I was working with her principals, I was living largely in the “mind” – I was disconnected from my heart and my true feelings. So I wasn’t able to truly live the principles of acceptance in her work.   For me, the Work was a mental exercise in futility.)

But everything finally came into crystal clarity when I decided that it was time to just “be” with the depth of suffering I felt inside at not being able to change things that were happening.  And to admit to myself how difficult acceptance has been for me.  Even with all the tools and techniques I’ve learned over the years, when challenges would come up, my inner critic would take over and start berating and flagellating myself for not doing enough, for messing up or for being powerless to change things. I would try to figure out how to fix things or change myself so “bad” things wouldn’t happen again. Undoubtedly, you can see how my childhood abuse caused this type of critical self-analysis.

inner critic

But when I finally allowed myself to just sit with the rage, the grief, the frustration, the annoyance, and many other emotions that were living inside me (in the lower chakras, by the way where most of this “stuff” is stuffed), I felt a quiet transformation taking place.  I wasn’t trying to change anything, feel better or say any affirmations. I just sat with the feelings. In fact, this was my first step to acceptance.

I had a specific situation that was bringing me to this place, one that I had struggled with off and on most of my adult life. Without going into details, it has to do with a person close to me, that has periodically and unexpectedly cut me out of her and her family’s life off and on over the last 25 years.

Each time she made forays to reconnect, I would say, “0k, let’s try this again”. I am a middle child, and an optimist when it comes to relationships. But inevitably, I would mess up according to her and she would send me a letter in the mail (with a couple of our childhood photos each time) and describe my latest transgression.

I thought I had finally let go of the relationship and the whole constellation of feelings around the loss of this person in my life and in my kid’s lives. But then a different kind of letter came in the mail. It was an invitation to a very joyous occasion. Coming out of the blue like this after more than a year of no contact, it was a shock and a surprise. Why now? Why was I invited and no one else in my family was? Was I now suddenly accepted by her for some reason? And it brought back all the feelings of loss that I thought I had dealt with. The loss of connection, the loss of sharing our lives and our expanding families, the loss of sharing good memories of the past and more.

Instead of jumping to reconnect this time, I let myself feel the anger, sadness and grief. And it hurt. It hurt to the core of my soul and deep into my gut. My heart felt like it was literally going to break. When I quit trying to let go of my feelings, and the situations that created them, I just breathed deep down into my lower chakras and accepted what was there. I wasn’t wallowing in these feelings, I was just accepting them by being present to them.

And then I had the realization that all of my major life experiences have been about acceptance. When I let this sink in, my life’s lessons came into crystal clarity. I have been fervently seeking acceptance and acceptance had been seeking me. It had been seeking me in many forms. In the repeated rejections of a person I loved very deeply, my quest to learn about acceptance kept showing up. Could I learn to accept her rejections of me?  Could I learn to accept that there was absolutely nothing I had done or said that was wrong? Could I learn to understand that the actual experience of being rejected was just the energy of acceptance itself, seeking me?

On the surface, it may look like I was doing a dance with the Law of Attraction – the polarity based law that would say that I was attracting the opposite of acceptance by fearing rejection. And thereby getting rejected. This would be correct to a large extent for most of the years that I had spent in this dance of acceptance/rejection with this person, and with her calling the shots in our relationship. But the shift that finally happened by feeling my feelings, rather than letting them go, was that I entered into a different dance, a dance with the higher laws, the Law of Reciprocity and the Law of Confluence.

When I saw the invitation in a different light, and allowed myself to be with my feelings about it, instead of needing to be the one who was wronged, everything shifted. I saw the experience of her rejections as the energy of acceptance seeking me. I was then able to go to the event and see new possibilities, and be open to a new way of relating to everyone involved. I didn’t “need” them to represent an oppositional force. I didn’t need to be accepted by the people involved. I didn’t need to pretend to be someone who I am not. And many new possibilities are emerging for myself and others around me.

Ultimately, the invitation I received in the mail was an invitation from life itself. And the invitation from life read: “You are invited to accept what is, and all the possibilities that come with meeting acceptance full on, IN conscious awareness and with your heart wide open.” 

In accepting the invitation, I found acceptance itself. Instead of “letting go” of my feelings, and letting go of my lost relationship, true acceptance has been about letting it be. Not trying to change or fix the situation, not denying my feelings about it, but simply accepting what is, as is.

As I reflect on my life’s challenges and successes, all of them have contained this essential lesson of acceptance.

So what is your life’s primary lesson?

What is seeking you? If it is peace, are you willing to see that experiences of conflict are actually the energy of peace seeking you?

If it is belonging, are you willing to see that the experience of loneliness is actually belonging seeking you?

If it is abundance, are you willing to see that the experience of scarcity is actually abundance seeking you?

Are you open to allowing  the very thing that  you are seeking, to find you in every single situation, and in so doing, experience the many possibilities the universe is sending your way to fulfill your life’s mission here?

I am now ready to share with you the deepest meditation I have created,  one that will bring the depth of your life’s purpose into crystal clarity, so that from this moment on, you may live life beyond attraction and in conscious confluence with your life’s mission.

I invite you to join me on Thursday, June 1st at 5 pm Pacific time to experience it!

Ronna Prince is a filmmaker,  a Certified HeartMath Coach and HeartMath Instructor and a Radical Forgiveness Coach.  Join me on Facebook:
At the end of this article: Information and web links for my 1 hour free webinar on
Navigating Change: Awareness, Acceptance and Peace
Time: Thursday, January 5th at 6:00 PM Mountain

 I bet that if you think back to times in your life when something significant was ending, you had repeating  thoughts running in the background of “it’s over, it’s over…” and accompanying this thought most likely would have been some feelings such as dread, fear, regret, and even incredulity. Over the years, I’ve come to recognize the emotion of incredulity as one of the greatest creativity killers of them all – because with this feeling, comes the thought: “I can’t believe it..”.  And when we can’t believe something is over, it’s nearly impossible to creatively think of new beginnings. This is what causes the situation of being stuck.


So how do we get UNSTUCK?? One of the favorite parts of my film, Sacred Journey of the Heart, is recounted by Mary Morrissey.  In part of a group that went to South Africa to award him the Gandhi-King Peace prize. Here is an excerpt from the film’s transcript:

“I had a burning question to ask Mandela: “How did you get sentenced for life by a country and spend 27 years at hard labor. And then when you get released, you’re not only released, but you actually become President of the country that sentenced you for life. How did you do that?” He said, “When I went to prison I was an angry, bitter young man. I spent the first period of my prison years in anger and bitterness.” He kept saying, “It’s over, it’s over, it’s over.” And one day he said, “Like a drop of water on parched land, the thought emerged from my heart, –what if it’s not?” And he said, “I stayed inside that thought, what if it’s not?.. and I noticed that I started to feel differently when I thought, “well what if it’s not over?” ~ Mary Morrissey

Mary goes on to share the rest of his story of writing letters about apartheid and eventually getting released from prison. And it ends with this beautiful statement from Nelson Mandela:

“The man I was who went to prison could never have been President of this country and done Truth and Reconciliation Hearings. I had to become the man that could do those things and it was a journey of heart.” ~ Nelson Mandela, as recounted by Mary Morrissey in Sacred Journey of the Heart

So, what I want to share with you is this: when you think (or know) something is over, you really only have two choices: one is to stay mired in that thought and the accompanying feelings and the other, is to ask yourself: ”what if it’s not over?”  And if you chose to stay inside the “what if..” question, you will find yourself drawn deeply into a heart-based journey. A heart-based journey, as I have discovered over and over, is one of trust. It is one of acceptance. And it is one of peace.  And from this place, amazing, miraculous things can and do happen!

I have had so many of these experiences in my life that I feel highly qualified to teach the “how-to’s” of creating conscious endings and new beginnings…. Or another way to say this, is that I love to teach the primary lessons of the heart: Awareness, Acceptance and Peace.   My first webinar of 2017 will be on how to navigate your heart-based journey with Awareness, Acceptance and Peace. See the details below.

What if it’s NOT OVER? An example…

I’ll share with you one personal example when I caught myself in the “it’s over…” mode. I had been searching for a distribution outlet for my film after our film festival run was over in early 2015.  I kept getting rejections or encountering hurdles that were too high for me to get over. When I caught myself in the “it’s over” mode, I decided to shift into the “what if..” and the “what if…”, led to the idea of reconnecting with my film editor, Scott Cervine, to see what he was doing.  I thought we might kick around the idea for a sequel to the movie called “The Rest of the Journey..”,  a film focused on what happens when we face deep heart-wrenching choices and unexpected outcomes from these choices.

As part of our conversation, Scott offered to talk to his friends at GaiaTV again about our film. This surprised me because we had already been rejected twice by this group. And just a few days later, I received a distribution offer from Gaia! The acquisition process with Gaia went smoothly and easily and the film is now on the perfect platform with a global audience that is creating a resurgence of interest in the film! Here are some of the fan’s comments and the first one is probably my favorite:

  • A “must” see for Mr Trump!
  • the real “secret”
  • this was among my top favorites on this whole site….like the other reviewer said, “the real secret”….for sure!
  • Loved this film filled with ancient wisdom, radical forgiveness & living from the heart.
  • Thank you for this most wonderful film! We really need this living in the heart today like no other time.
  • Fantastic. You know this film is truly a confirmation for me, to live from one’s heart, I finally get it on every level of my being.
  • Great movie! I especially liked the part where it was talked about how projected blame outward onto others whether its government, society, etc., is just a means of ignoring what’s really going on. That the real issue is within ourselves and has to be looked at instead of projecting blame onto others. Kudos!

So, the lesson again for me was to ask the “what if” question ,while at the same time being in acceptance and peace with what was happening. And this place,  the intersection point between “possibility and peace”, is where the real action is in moving forward. If you are interested in learning more about how to consciously create a new beginning, one of the major themes for 2017, please join me online on:

Time: Thursday, January 5th at 6:00 PM Mountain

Webinar Title: Navigating Change: Awareness, Acceptance and Peace

Listening method: Phone + Web Simulcast
To attend, visit:

Phone Number: (425) 440-5100
Secondary Number: (619) 471-1669
Local Numbers:
Pin Code: 339751#

Happy Holidays!

By Ronna Prince, Numerologist, Filmmaker, Aura-soma practitioner and "Master Soul Decoder"

Are you aware that one of the most important themes for 2017 is “INTEGRITY”? continue reading to find out why!

Numerology is one of my top passions and I rely upon it heavily during my sessions with private clients. With my understanding and years of study in numerology, it provides me with a deep non-verbal understanding of the meaning of things as translated through the basic energy vibration. (To learn more about how I use numbers in a session, see my previous blog post:  here.)

As we approach the end of each year and the beginning of another, I like to look at the primary themes that the New Year brings with it. We are now at the end of a “9” year, 2016,  which has been a year of completion. This year is the end of a cycle that began in 2008, the last year of “1”. If you consider your own life events from 2008 to 2016, you will most likely see some examples of a progression of experiences and events, many that are coming to a “final fruition” this year.  If you’d like to see an example of how this 9 year cycle played out perfectly in the creation and life cycle of my film, you can scroll down and read more.*

As we all wrap up this year, it’s a good time to look at a large cycle of years, such as the last 9 years and prepare for new beginnings, and possibly the germination of new projects, themes and opportunities.

As I wrote about last year, 2016 has been a year of Expansion (45/9) and Expression (54/9).

2017 is an interesting year from the perspective of numerology. From a straight addition perspective, it is a year “10” – 2+0+1+7=10.  In tarot, the 10 major arcana is the Wheel of Fortune. This card carries many meanings, including fate, karma, continuing cycles of experience that repeat over and over, as well as good and bad “luck”.  It can also mean a “turning point”.

#10 Wheel of Fortune

In my work, in order for a situation (which includes anything from people to emotional patterns, mental thoughts or life circumstances) to really shift, it requires consciousness and focused attention and effort. To put it simply, if we focus on ending what we no longer want to carry over or drag into 2016, we can truly initiate a new beginning – so the 10, becomes 1+0 or 1. The 1 in tarot is called “The Magician”. The Magician represents, taking action, wisely using one’s power, being a leader and acting consciously.

#1 magician

As a numerologist, each word or series of words can be calibrated using Pythagorean numerology in order to understand a deeper connection to the meaning and vibration. It’s very simple and works like this:


Personal names, business names, addresses, book titles, phrases that we say –everything vibrates to a number, which many consider to be the basic building blocks of our reality. Many of the great teachers and thinkers of our time have understood this to be true.  For example, Nicholas Tesla said:


Let’s look at one of the most basic themes of 2017. It is the word “asset”.
















One of the most conscious ways you can finish up this year and prepare for a new beginning in 2017, is to answer the question: What is my greatest asset? What asset do I choose to expand? What liability do I choose to clear up (and by the way, “liability” = 45/9.)

You can do this by making an inventory of your assets and liabilities and consciously choose how you would like to change things, if necessary – again, on any and all levels of your life: financial, emotional, relationships, gifts, talents.. etc.

As I shared at the end of my free webinar on my revised Triple Heart Healing Technique, one of the most important new beginning themes for 2017 can be seen in this phrase:

“I am consciously creating  a New Beginning.”

The numerology translation of this phrase equals 172.  These digits, 1+7+2= 10/1 –the same digits as in the 2017 year. (The Triple Heart Healing Technique Webinar is available to download from my website: Webinar)

The key part of this phrase is the word “consciously”.

Here are a few more of the key numerology themes of 2017. All of these words translate to numbers that add up and reduce to a “1”:

19 = Focus

28 = Begin

37 = Growth

46 = Forgive

And now for one of most important themes of 2017, a 10/1 year.  It’s the word and expression of a characteristic that has been under the microscope of US national politics all year:

55 = Integrity

Integrity is defined in as:

1. adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character; honesty.

2. the state of being whole, entire, or undiminished:

You’ll notice that integrity translates to a “master number”, or a number that is doubled, like 11-22-33-44 etc.  Whenever a number is doubled, it carries a special opportunity. It means that we may be able to transform our challenges into gifts.  The number “5” is often seen as one of the most challenging numbers because it represents conflict and change. It is also connected with the number representing human beings. But when mastered, the number 5 represents freedom.  So a master 55, stands for “Freedom through Integrity!”

The theme of integrity will be preeminent all next year but where it matters most is in our own lives.  Choosing to live in integrity often means making difficult decisions that may make our lives temporarily harder.  But in the long run, without integrity, the purpose of our life is tarnished.  As we prepare for the new year, I believe that the most important choice to make is to live with honesty, in a state of wholeness. The best way that I have found to do this, is to live my life from the heart!

Heartfelt Gratitude,


**An example from my own life’s work is my film, Sacred Journey of the Heart. The seeds for the film were planted in my heart and soul in 2008, during my first trip to Glastonbury. We returned in 2009 with a group of 20 to lead a workshop in Glastonbury and visit the ancient sites of the area.  As it turned out, we were able bring a film crew and begin filming the initial parts of the movie during our tour in the UK. We continued to flesh out what the film was about during the next few years and finally, in October 2012, the film premiered to sold out crowds at Harkins Theater in my hometown of Phoenix. Over the next few years, we screened the film in film festivals, special events and workshops, 2013 to 2015.  And finally in 2016, we achieved the final step in the life of the film in obtaining online distribution from Gaia.TV.  This was a perfect example of the impact of “year numerology” working its way through a major project.


Ronna Prince is a filmmaker,  a Certified HeartMath Coach and HeartMath Instructor and a Radical Forgiveness Coach
At the end of this article: Information and web links for my 1 hour free webinar on Creating Synchronicities form the Heart on August 25, 2016 a6 5 pm Pacific Time.

This is a question posed near the end of my documentary film, Sacred Journey of the Heart:

Gregg Braden:  “A question that comes to us again and again is how much power do we really have to influence the world? How strong is this power in the human heart?” Click here to watch film on GaiaTV

This question that Gregg asks is a fundamental one as we chose, day in and day out, how to act in the world.  If we believe that our individual choices do not really matter in the larger scheme, we miss many opportunities to be agents of change. If we begin to explore and act from the amazing, verifiable power in our hearts, we not only change our own lives, but we experience the power we have to change the world around us.


I had a heart-empowered experience the last time I was at the airport.  I am sharing this with you to demonstrate how each one of us has the capacity to change a situation of chaos into calm, callousness into caring and self-centeredness into service. This is needed now more than ever before.

If you fly the “friendly” skies a lot or even once in a while, you’ll notice how chaotic it’s become in airports. The stress level has increased tremendously with all the threats, the computer system breakdowns, with security procedures and even with the boarding process to get onto the planes.

Airports are way-stations for people in transit and they are wonderful places to observe human behavior. Being a certified hearth math instructor, the main reason I enjoy travelling as much as I do (about 75,000 miles a year), is that I know how to stay stress-free and choose to enjoy travel vs. dread it.

Airport Waiting

Not only that, but I know that using the present-moment awareness techniques of HeartMath, I can and regularly DO, successfully shift chaotic situations into calm ones.

Here’s what happened. I arrived 3 hours early to airport last week which is unusual for me but my transportation options made it necessary. I went into the airport with the intention to stay in heart-coherence, a measurable state that you consciously activate through a simple technique (taught in the film by Dr. Rolin McCraty of HeartMath). This state allows you to be in the flow, and to send a signal into the field around you that is calming.  I also have a little prayer that I say which begins, “Make me an instrument of thy peace…” also known as the St. Francis of Assisi prayer.

Because I was so early, there was a flight that was leaving before the one I was booked on. So I thought I’d go to that gate and see if I could get a seat on the earlier flight. The gate agents had just started to board first class.  There was a crowd of people, all bunched up around the boarding area and a lot of tension in the air.  You can feel the anxiety and frustration many people are steeped in during the boarding process. This feeling is a result of the actual signal that is being broadcast from many people’s hearts rhythms. The question you may ask is: Is it really possible for one person to shift this? I know that the answer is “yes”.

Image used by permission of HeartMath, LLC as part of Sacred Journey of the Heart.

Image used by permission of HeartMath, LLC as part of Sacred Journey of the Heart.

So on that day, I stood at the back of the crowd and kept radiating gratitude and calm. Then I felt a slight tap on my shoulder.  I turned and saw a beautiful young woman, about 18 years old standing next to me.  She made it known very quickly that she was deaf. Then she showed me her boarding pass that had a “Zone 4” on it. She asked me with her fingers, are they boarding Zone 1, 2, 3 or 4?

boarding pass

Knowing the ins and outs of airline travel, I motioned to her, “follow me”.  I then asked people to please step aside as I was making way for this young women to get on the plane. I knew that the gate agent would have no objection to her boarding early and getting settled into her seat. However, there was quite an outcry as we moved through the crowd of waiting people – for example: “Are you in first class?”, “Hey lady, there’s a line here” etc.

crowding the gate

I stopped for a moment and still, sending out appreciation, said, “I’m not even on this flight, I am helping this young woman who can’t hear get onto this plane. Can you imagine being in an airport and not being able to hear the announcements?”

Everything shifted. People backed up, made a little aisle for us and even started to smile.  A few people said thank you to me. And the whole energy shifted out of selfishness and the “me-first” callous attitude that can be prevalent in crowds. It changed in a few seconds to to people feeling genuinely grateful for a couple of things: that someone was helping another person, and maybe even feeling grateful for being able to hear, a sense faculty we usually take for granted.

When the young woman got to the jet bridge, she turned and gave me the heart-thanks symbol with her hands. I said thank you back to her, then ducked under the boarding-area rope, and went on my way, my heart expanding even more with gratitude that my prayer was answered and I was able to be an instrument of peace in that moment.

heart hands

I encourage you to explore the power you have inside your own heart, to learn to use it to be an instrument of positive change and to live life in ever expanding gratitude.

I will be sharing the heart-math coherence technique in my upcoming webinar

Title: Creating Synchronicities
Time: Thursday, August 25th at 5:00 PM Pacific
Listening method: Phone + Web Simulcast
To attend, visit:
Phone Number: (425) 440-5100
Secondary Number: (619) 471-1669
Local Numbers:
Pin Code: 339751#

Heart-felt blessings,

Ronna Prince

By Ronna Prince, Numerologist, Aura-soma practitioner and "Master Soul Decoder"!

At the end of each year, I spend time “decoding” the major themes of the upcoming year through numerology. One of my greatest passions is to decode the vibration and resonance of word and names to reveal the deeper meanings behind things.

Whats’ a “Master Soul Decoder?” My clients often say to me: “Wow! how did you know that?”, when all I’ve done is look at their name numerology or decoded a series of 4 or 5 numbers that they give me in the beginning of their session.  These numbers are not random at all! The series of numbers my clients give me are what I call their “soul code” as it pertains to the issue they wish to explore during the session.  When I look at these numbers, it always, without exception, tells me what their soul is really desiring to hear, to do, or to stop doing to make progress on  their life’s journey. That’s why my clients have given me the nickname, the “Master Soul Decoder”! (If you’d like to experience the magic and confirmation of your “soul’s code”, please contact me for a Soul Codes Session. For more information, click here for my coaching website.  Modern Mastery

How does it work and what can a numerology-based title do? I have been using Pythagorean numerology for years as a foundation of my coaching practice. Understanding your personal vibration through your birth name and birth date is very helpful in knowing your life’s mission and purpose.  Every major project I undertake is based on the vibrational message that’s behind the title.

For example, Sacred Journey of the Heart, the title of my award-winning documentary film, equals 111 when the letters are translated to numbers.  111 is a very important triple master number that signifies the sacred trinity in all things. And 111/3 is about partnership. I created the film title based on that number. And it created a “resonant field” around it that influenced the decisions of many of my guest speakers to join the project. That’s how powerful I believe the underlying resonance of words are.

As Plato, a student of Pythagoras said

"Numbers" quote

“Numbers” quote

The Influence of the Calendar Date: In addition to our names and the titles of things, we are all greatly influenced by calendar dates. We are aware of what the date is and what we have scheduled day by day, often referring to our calendars and datebooks to set our schedules and remember what we’ve planned to do.

Let’s look at the numerology of 2016 and translate it into the major vibrational themes we have to work with this year. First, here is a basic chart that shows you have Pythagorean numerology translates letters to numbers.  It’s very simple:

pythagorean numerology

The year 2016 = 2+0+1+6=9.  There are many iterations of “9” that we can examine that will give us insights about the overall 9 theme.  For example, 2+0+16 = 18.  This is the most powerful and basic of the “9” themes. When we translate the word “love”, it equals 18/9.

9 fire2016

Love translates as:  L=3; 0=6, V=4; E= 5  3+6+4+5= 18; and 18 is 1+8=9. Very simple!  In my estimation, numerology is not just a little game or something interesting. It forms the vibrational foundation of everything.  This aligns with the first two Universal Laws which are the Law of Vibration and the Law of Resonance.

Numerology and the first two Universal Laws: The Law of Vibration states that “Everything vibrates”.  Everything moves and nothing is completely at rest.  The Law of Resonance states that once expressed, a vibration will continue to resonate and impact nearby energies, creating a sympathetic and/or dissonant frequencies. These two laws are the foundation of all other Universal Laws that construct our reality.  If you are interested in my online webinar, the 12 Laws of Universal Creation, click here. 12 Laws Class

So if you know the foundation of number’s frequency, you know exactly what to build upon it.

For 2016 the key words are all related to the frequency of 9.  In general “9” indicates an opportunity for humanitarian service. To me, this means doing something that will benefit all of humanity and not just the self. It is about stepping outside of our personal roles and goals, and expanding into something that is helpful to others on a larger scale. A 9 year contains the possibility of “expression of our true service in the world”.

Within this definition, there are key “9” words:

  • Expansion = 45/9
  • Expression = 54/9
  • Service = 36/9
  • Opportunity – 63/9
  • And as I’ve already shared, Love = 18/9

I have actually written out my mission statement for 2016 based on these as few other key vibrations!

Here are a few more “9” themes: Grow= 27/9, Leader = 27/9, Inspire = 45/9, Determination = 72/9.

The Key Choices of 2016: In every year, we have a choice to make about how we will interact in the world.  Last year, 2015, a year of “8”, was about the basic choice to “trust” which equals 17/8″  or to “doubt” which also equals 17/8. If you take a minute to think about last year, you will undoubtedly see how this theme played out in your life.

This year, 2016, the choice is centered around Love and power. As we’ve seen, Love = 18/9. That’s the basic energy of this year. But Power is a 32/5 word.  So power itself is not a theme. But if we look at how we embody our power, the “9” choice becomes clear.

Powerlessness = 54/9

Much, if not all of our frustrations about expressing and expanding our life’s true purpose comes from a basic feeling of powerlessness. If you are willing to fully embrace your power, from a foundation of Love, you begin to embody a different “9” vibration:

I Embrace the Power I Am = 99! “99” is the super “9” master number.  It’s like putting a big explanation point on the 9 and telling the universe – “I mean it!”

Even more power-full, is this statement:
I Love Being Powerful! This also = 99!  Say this out loud and see how it feels. I’d never said this out loud before I decoded this phrase as being the “Master Generator” number for this 9 year!

Most of us learned to be afraid of our power when we were little. We never learned what it means to fully embody our power from the foundation love. All of my teaching in 2016 is based on the foundational vibration of “9”. My latest technique, the Triple Heart Technique, also resonates with 9.  Triple Heart Technique = 108/9.

This all-new healing technique uses the power of sound through music, an awareness of our expanded energy system and a simple process for healing stuck emotions. When we do this process, it becomes very easy to move forward into this year of opportunity, expansion, expression and love!

I will leave you with some of my favorite Master 99 statements for 2016:

  • Authentic Soul Embodiment = 99
  • Quantum Leap in Compassion = 99
  • I Love Being Powerful = 99

For more information about the Triple Heart Healing Webinar or any of the other sessions I’ve mentioned, please contact me at:









Quantum Math: How to Use the Equations at a Crossroads

by Ronna Prince

I’ve faced many crossroad decisions in my life, and I have to say that I’m risk taker – I don’t follow the easy path and most of all, I never give up. In fact, this is one of my favorite quotes to live by:

“Risk anything! Care no more for the opinion of others … Do the hardest thing on earth for you. Act for yourself. Face the truth.”  ~Katherine Mansfield

When facing a decision, for the most part, the opinions of others don’t really give us much guidance other than, well, their opinions.


So exactly how do we “fuel our journey”? If you’re like me, no one really taught you how to make good decisions – how to Act for yourself and Face the truth. I believe that this is the #1 reason that sometimes we find ourselves in a place we didn’t intend to be!

Growing up, I didn’t even know what truth was. In my experience, it was all relative to what I was expected to say to either, 1) cover the lies of my parents or 2) try to avoid punishment or suffering. “Tell the truth” was a loaded statement for me. While I knew what the truth was, I wasn’t allowed to speak it.

Tell the Truth

Unfortunately, that is the reality for all of us who lived with any kind of abuse- emotional, mental, sexual or spiritual. In fact, I know that one of the reasons I am passionately attracted to numerology is that it represents an “absolute truth”. Using Pythagorean numerology, the word “love” can only equal 18 and 1+8=9, the number of completion and humanity. It can’t be any other number. This appeals to me and I’ve delved deeply into numerology and use it to decode the world around me!

In learning how to make good decisions for myself, I have created a road map, or what I call Quantum Mathematics for the Soul. I use the word quantum, to mean “the smallest, indivisible particle”. This is a way of getting to the truth of something. And the truth that I’m interested in aligns with these three principles:

#1 – I will learn and grow from the experience;

#2 – I will be of service to others by connecting, communicating and caring;

#3 – I will act from authenticity and integrity, creating an inner and outer environment of peace and stability.

So my question is this: Is there a way to make decisions that will give you clear and direct feedback? For me there is, and it is a simple process of asking yourself questions that stem from these “equations”.  First, I’ll share the equations, and then I’ll share an example about how to use them in making decisions.


The Quantum Mathematics for the Soul: Equations to Live by:

The 4 Basic Operations:

What I embrace, adds-

What I deny, subtracts.

What I share, multiplies-

What I horde, divides.

The Operations in Application:

What I courageously face, I empower-

What I fear, I reinforce.

What I know, I energize –

What I believe, I become.

What I accept is expanded-

What I resent is returned.

What I let go of is limitless –

What I hold on to is limited.

What I seek in abundance, is found within-

What I seek in lack, is found without.

What I examine, strengthens my Cornerstone.

What I hide from, erodes my Foundation.

When I follow my own soul, I am found

When I follow others, I become lost

What I think, draws me to an outer reality.

What I feel, aligns me with the Sacred Journey of the Heart.

The Exponential Principle:

When I Love, I tap into the Infinite Source

And through this Source, I exponentially multiply my greatest gifts:

The love, wisdom and power of my Soul.

Those are the equations or the cornerstone of what I use to ask myself questions when faced with  a decision. In my years of counseling and coaching, I have encountered three major decision points with people:

1) Do I stay in my relationship or is it best to  leave?

2) Do I stay in my location or move to another place?

3) Is it time for a career change or is it best to stay with what I know?

Let’s take example #1, the big relationship question. What I recommend is to take the 4 basic equations and ask yourself questions related to the operations:

Have I fully embraced the person I am with, accepting who they are, how they express themselves and understanding what is important to them, thereby adding to our life together? OR

Have I denied parts of this person, wanting them to be different than they are, seeing them as flawed, “less than” or no longer right for me, subtracting from what we were attracted to in the first place?

Have I shared my true thoughts and feelings with my significant other, revealing my true self and thereby multiplying our feelings of love, respect and dignity? OR

Have I horded my true self, keeping myself separate and apart and causing division in our goals and dreams?

From here, I go through the other “operations”, turning them into awareness of where I am truly coming from and what answers align with my three principals.

It becomes very clear that if a person answers these questions with more power and emphasis on the negative issues, he/she is dealing with a denial of what is going on within him/herself. When this is the “underlying operation”, changing the exterior, whether that’s a person, a job or a location, will not create a new outcome. I’m not suggesting that someone stays in a situation that is unbearable, but I am saying, that understanding what is really going on, deep within, will create a clear pathway to a new experience.

I’ve learned to embrace change and to be aware of the equations that expand consciousness, create more connection, and lead to deeper peace, within and without.

Remember at the crossroads, the more conscious you are of your choice, the less regret you have, and the more empowered you become!

In gratitude,


Beyond the Law of Attraction – Manifesting with the Highest Universal Laws

Update: September 2015: Learn more about exactly how to work with all 12 Universal Laws in my 4 part webinar. The live classes take place on September 19 & 26, and October 3 & 17 all at 9 am pacific daylight time.  If you missed the dates, the classes are replaying and you may listen/watch at your convenience. For more information:
12 Laws Webinar

In my recent article about how to stop mind chatter, I made a statement: “my life stands in opposition to the Law of Attraction”.  I received quite a few questions on this and so now, I’ll explain it.  In doing so, I will share with you what I have learned in working with what I call “The Higher Operative Laws of Manifestation”.  I’ll keep it to the basics because to fully understand the higher laws, you have to have a working knowledge of the 12 Universal Laws of Consciousness.

 law of attraction

What are some examples to prove my point about the law of attraction NOT being the key law at work in my life?

I’ve been upfront with you about my struggle with pessimism because I’ve worked really hard to overcome it, so what follows will probably not surprise you!

a half full glass

I’m happy to say that after I retrained my brain with Brain Tek (See my previous articles), I am no longer suffering from this state of mind!

always full

I’ll present this with the Thought/Feeling context and the Outcome Result:

While producing my feature documentary film, Sacred Journey of the Heart, I was plagued with the following Thoughts/Feelings

Thoughts:  “I’ll never get the film done, it won’t be very good, I won’t get final approval from my film speakers, it will never amount to anything.”

Feelings: Inferior, insecure, rejected, worthless

Result/Outcome: My first-ever documentary film was completed in a more compelling and beautiful way than I ever imagined. We have won multiple awards for Best Editing, Best Director, Best Story and Most Inspirational Filmmaker.  And all of my guest speakers in the film signed off on their interviews and the final film edit.  Just before doing a one-time screening at Studio Movie Grill, Dan Harkins of Harkin’s Theaters, the fifth largest theater chain in the country, asked to see it for acquisition in his theaters.

Best Documentary

Best Director Award

Best Director Award

According to the Law of Attraction, this result/outcome wasn’t supposed to happen.

While Dan Harkins’ team was evaluating the film, I did something unique: I entered into a state (feeling and thinking) of curiosity and wonderment. I had no expectation as this offer was completely unexpected and I had nothing “riding” on it. I just wondered what could happen. I was curious if Harkins would like the movie and if more people would end up seeing it at Harkins than one showing at a local competing chain.

When Harkins called and said, “we’ve accepted your film for a one week run”, I was pleasantly surprised but nervous. How was I going to pull this off and figure out how to get ready for a theatrical release in a few weeks?

Here’s one more example:

About three weeks before the film premier, I went to Harkin’s Camelview Theater where the film would be screened and met with the manager.  He showed me the ropes and helped me understand what I needed to be ready to screen, things I had never thought of, like a movie poster, a 1-sheet description of the film, ads in the Phoenix Republic newspaper, TV and radio interviews etc.   Then he showed me the theater we were booked into.  It had 75 seats.  I thought, “Wow, I hope 75 people will come.”  Then he explained that if advance ticket sales went well before the premier date, he would bump me up into the larger theaters. He then showed me the 450 seat theater. Here’s what happened:

Thoughts: “We’ll never sell this many tickets, I only know about 50 people in Phoenix and they’re probably busy, I’ll probably fail. My guest speakers in the film will probably be too busy to come”

Feelings: Insecurity, embarrassed, vulnerable, hesitant.

Outcome/Result: Our premier was sold out in the largest theater two weeks before the premier date. There was standing room only and people were trying to scalp tickets outside. My film was held over for a total run of 4 weeks as viewers spread the word and came back multiple times (as many as 5 or 6). Most of my guest speakers in the film flew into town for the premier: Gregg Braden, Dr .Deborah Rozman from HeartMath, Uqualla, Larry Running Turtle Salazar and many more!

Harkins Premier Audience

Harkins Premier Audience

Again, according the Law of Attraction, this was not supposed to happen.

If the Law of Attraction was the operative law, I would have experienced a mediocre outcome or no outcome at all.  My thoughts were largely pessimistic, my feelings were difficult to deal with and some of the people close to me were getting a bit fed up by my negativity in the face of impending success.

Here’s what was really happening, after all is said and done, and I’ve done a post-mortem on the events that led up to so many positive and life-changing experiences:

I was subconsciously working with the highest 4 laws of manifestation:  I’ll share two of these with you here: The Law of Reciprocity and the Law of Confluence.  I have grouped the 12 laws into 3 groups of 4 laws each. I will review the 12 laws in my webinar (see details below).

I work with this process with clients and see tremendous changes in their lives when they consciously start to interact with the highest laws.  By the way, the Law of Attraction is in the second grouping, along with the Law of Polarity and the Law of Correspondence. It works primarily with the thinking faculties which is why it works so well for manifesting a parking space. But most of us are interested in things more satisfying than a good spot at the mall.

The Law of Confluence is actually featured in my film. At the end of a very emotional scene in the film, a black screen appears with these words:

Laws of Confluence

So you get a sense of what the Law of Confluence is all about. I further describe it in the movie as the energy that brings many things together in a stream of connection, sort of like the Nile Delta.  This is what I experienced in the film over and over again, in spite of my pessimism – a higher law was at work.


The most active law I was working with was the Law of Reciprocity. My deepest desire was to share my work with a larger audience and to share the work of many others who have had a significant impact on the lives of others with their cutting edge teachings. I also wanted to honor the wisdom of our ancestors and highlight their teachings in honorable and beautiful ways.  I wanted to share, give back, and help others.

And in this way, others came in droves to help me. Such as Liz Dawn of Mishka Productions who sent out an email to her fans announcing the film premier. The next day, we were sold out! And Mary Morrissey who contacted me, through her dear friend Marianne Wilson, to let me know she would be thrilled to narrate my film! Mary’s call answered a vision in my heart that the film would be narrated by a powerful and heart-centered woman.  And Dr. Joe Dispenza who agreed to interview with us after a long travel day and teaching a workshop.

 thank you

All of these miraculous things were happening because I was working with the Law of Reciprocity and the Law of Confluence. These laws are far more powerful and can override the Laws of Attraction, Correspondence and Polarity.  So that’s what I mean by the statement: “My life stands in opposition to the law of attraction”.

I have been working the highest four laws for a few years now. Many, many miraculous things have happened and I won’t bore you with all of them!

If you are intrigued by how this works, I will be sharing more detail in my upcoming webinar.  This is the intro webinar that is still available for free viewing:

Title: Introduction to Working with the Highest Universal Laws of Manifestation
Replay Page:

Please email me for the password to this event.

The full 4 part webinar class is available for purchase for only $19.99

4 part webinar: The 12 Universal Laws

When our Work and our Worth get Entangled… Part 2 of Creating from the Clear Heart Series.

If you’d like to learn more about the process of Creating from the Clear Heart, please email me for the code and PIN for my free webinar replay!


I get about 5 to 6 emails a day from experts on some topic related to “how to change my life”. This is a result of placing a high value on growth and consciousness, spirituality and the pursuit of excellence in my personal and professional life. Because of this, I’ve signed up for lots of newsletters, telesummits and workshops over the years. Many of the emails are focused on what others think may be wrong with me and “how to fix it”! About one week into the New Year, I received this presumptuous email from a “guru” that really turned me off.

Here’s what it said: From a self-help leader: “Hi Ronna! You seem to be a little bit confused about exactly what your mission is here on planet Earth.  I would like to offer a bit of help.” Wow! I didn’t think I was confused… not even a “little bit”! I know exactly why I am here and I believe that everyone knows this in their hearts. In fact, my youngest child asked me when he was 5 years old, “Mom, Why I am here?” He really meant it in the BIG way, and not related to why we were in a particular room in the house.  I told him: “Why don’t you sit down and get quiet, and ask yourself this question.” He did. After about 15 seconds, he jumped up and said: “I am here to help parents and kids love each other.”  As the saying goes…. From the mouths of babes oft comes great wisdom.

Not Complicated

This leads me to Part 2 of the article I posted on 1-31-2015. My previous blog is entitled: “When Love and Control Get Confused”. The same process that I described in that article is present if someone is struggling with life purpose. Underneath this struggle, invariably is an entanglement with work and worth. When our Work and our Worth get confused or entangled, we can be assured that we are not creating from a clear heart. Instead, we are going about our work from an underlying place of fear. Or to say it another way, we are creating from a place of the head and a list of “should’s”… such as, “I should stay at the job that I dislike because I might not get a better one… I should be responsible… I should do what’s expected of me… I should play it safe and stay with the known.”

Another factor that is often “at work” in this issue is creating from a common misconception:  believing that the work we do in the world, determines our worth.  In the webinar on February 12th, I will share with you how I untangled from this common fallacy in 2014…. It was a challenging process, like many of life’s most important lessons. The backdrop of this lesson was that someone I trusted attempted to take everything, and I mean every “thing” that I had worked to create in my adult life. I will share what happened in 2014 during the call. And because of the sensitive nature of what I will share with you, I may not rebroadcast the webinar, so if you are interested, be sure to tune in! (see details below.)

Back to my son’s wisdom at age 5: I believe that we each have this clarity and that we don’t need someone else to help us remember what we have forgotten (if we have!) As adults, the process of remembering our purpose can be a bit more involved than it is for children who are free of mental clutter, responsibilities and obligations. But the process of tapping into profound insight is the same. But before we can “Change” or do something differently, I believe that we owe it to ourselves to STOP trying to change and first accept where we are now. However, acceptance alone is not the key ingredient. The key ingredient is understanding the purpose that is served by being exactly where we are – whether it’s financial, health, relationship, career, social connections, or just basic dissatisfaction with our lives in general.

Growth not change

Growth not change

I believe that life is all about growth. However, growth does not always lead to change. Some growth creates the wisdom to stay where we are and how we are  because we see the value in what we have created. The key word here is wisdom.

In my experience, only when I quit trying to change, was lasting change really possible. In essence, I grew rather than changed. There is a big difference between these two things.

One of the first steps in my life-transition coaching, is to guide clients through a “deep dive” process into the 360 degree review I created and outlined in my film, Sacred Journey of the Heart. I came up with this process to help clients observe the clues all around them which always reflect the deeper meaning about why things are the way they are.  When we take the time to actually do this, vs stop trying to change the way things are, awareness and insight bursts through and from here, lasting change is possible.

The same 3 factors I described in my previous article are at work in untangling our work from our worth.

So what impels us to grow? I’ve heard the concept of “divine discontent”. This is the idea that it is our discontent that drives us to align with a deeper heart-space and a higher spiritual purpose. According to this idea, our shortcomings lead us to change. And the desire to change is driven by unhappiness, dissatisfaction and disconnect from something essential.

In my years of coaching and counseling, I’ve discovered that trying to change from a foundation of discontent, leads to more of the same. Why? Because we are trying to create something new, from a basis of the old. It would be like trying to plant a garden in a fallow patch of earth.

Fertile soildepleted soil

My suggestion is to allow yourself to be motivated to grow by accepting and understanding where you are now. If you feel out of sync with your work, you may want to explore my Clear Heart process.

Here are some signs of an entanglement with work and worth:

  • Conflicts with people at work that are distracting and disruptive
  • Getting annoyed with your boss and co-workers
  • Feeling exhausted at the end of the day
  • Believing that you are not in the right line of work
  • Trying to convince yourself that you are working at a certain job because you have to
  • Believing that your work reflects upon your worthiness

The question again is: Why do we do this and accept these conditions? The answer is the same as in my previous article. Many of us grew up believing that work and worthiness are inextricably woven together. And if we believe this on any level, we then think that we need to change our work in order to change our lives.

I presented a free webinar on The Clear Heart Program on 2-12. The replay of the event is available by request:

Happy Heart Month!
