March, 2014
Have you ever had an experience in your life so challenging that your heart physically hurt? These are the occurrences in life that give rise to the term “heartache” or “broken hearted”. I’ve had a recent experience with this feeling which gives me the opportunity to dive deeper into my own heart and practice the process of using the power in my heart that I talk about all the time.
My heart hurt when I found out that someone I trusted and supported was attempting to blame me and my company for something that occurred in their own life. It was difficult to believe that this was happening because my mission is to continue to help people heal their own heart-hurts by teaching honoring and empowering ways of forgiving and stepping out of the victim role. So I was essentially facing a choice: do I curl up and give up OR do I stand up and keep on going with the mission and vision of Sacred Journey of the Heart?
Well, for me there really is only one choice. As CS Lewis said, “courage, dear heart.”
I discovered that when heartache is happening, there is a frequency disturbance that occurs in the whole body that actually looks like a chaotic, dissonant pattern. This is similar but different than HeartMath’s heart rate variability definition of coherence. HeartMath’s coherence is defined as “an optimal state in which the heart, mind and emotions are all aligned and in synch.” The definition of coherence goes on as: “Physiologically the immune, hormonal and nervous systems function in a state of energetic communication.” In this state, the autonomic nervous system is resonating at a perfect 0.1 Hertz frequency and one’s heart rate variability pattern looks like a smooth wave. I’ve written a lot about this in prior blogs. This is a state of balance that feels really good.
But what happens in our bodies when we encounter a major upset? Every cell of our body can resonate with a “Chaotic hertz” frequency. High levels of chaotic hertz will impact every major organ system and also activate old emotional patterns of destructive cellular memories that Dr. Bruce Lipton talked about in his pioneering book, “The Biology of Belief.”
What I’ve discovered recently, is that during a heartache time, it’s more difficult to get into and stay in this 0.1 hertz frequency of coherence. I’ve experienced this myself and talked about it extensively with my HeartMath and Radical Forgiveness coaching clients. But in perfect timing, I recently came across the work of Dr. Alex Loyd, creator of the Master Key and author of the bestselling book “The Healing Code”. I’ve learned from Dr. Loyd that there is a specific heart-healing frequency that has to do more with the heart itself, vs the heart as it regulates the central nervous system. The specific frequency that Dr. Loyd uses in his technology is 528Hz, which equates to “e” or “mi” on the Gregorian 6 tone musical scale. This is certainly not new information but it came back to my attention at a very important time, just when I needed it!
Here’s an artistic depiction from Dr. Loyd, of what this chaotic hertz might look like:
Courtesy of Dr. Alex Loyd
And here, interestingly enough, is an actual readout from HeartMath’s emWave2 device , which measures physiological heart rate variability:
Pretty interesting connection, isn’t it?
Also, from HeartMath and in from hundreds of my own similar sessions on the emWave2, is the pattern of physiological coherence when we are feeling appreciation and gratitude:
I am so very grateful to have encountered Dr. Loyd’s work, thanks to Doug Parks a wonderful man who is a “people connector”. Doug connected me with Dr. Bruce Lipton who I interviewed in last September’s telesummuit, “The Science and Art of Opening Your Heart”. And thanks to Doug again, I’ve connected with Dr. Loyd who will be one of my special guests for the next telesummit, “The Science and Art of Healing Your Heart.” Dr. Loyd has graciously agreed to share his latest discoveries on heart healing and the frequency of Love, or 528 Hertz as part of June telesummit. (See below for more information about my guests and the broadcast dates!)
I have been a long-time fan of binaural tone technology and in fact, I’m listening to the Monroe Institute audio as write this article. The Monroe Institute pioneered the field of binarul beat research and created “Hemi-Synch”, a wonderful technology for regulating the body. Dr. Loyd, in my opinion, takes this technology even further as he incorporates the 528 Hertz musical tone into his audios and videos for amazing heart-healing. I’ve been using his system for just two weeks, and while I still experience some intense emotions about what I’ve experienced, I can say the my heart is no longer hurting. I attribute this to incorporating the Heart- Hertz frequency into my other daily practices of my own Heart Shift meditation*, using my HeartMath emWave and doing lots of radical forgiveness worksheets!
*My new gift to you will be online soon: a 20 minute guided meditation to shift your heart from guarded and defended, to open and free!
So I invite you all to share your own heart-healing experiences and to set the stage for the upcoming telesummit, The Science and Art of Healing Your Heart.