July, 2016
A lot of people talk about synchronicity as something that just happens. Something surprising occurs out of the blue and we attribute it to a “coincidence of time”. The dictionary.com definition of synchronous is:
occurring at the same time; coinciding in time; contemporaneous; simultaneous.
Hence, our tendency is to accept events that surprise us in positive ways as coincidental. Over the years of exploring consciousness, I have come to conclude that there is very little coincidence, chance or luck involved in synchronous events. And even more so, I have the experience of being able to create synchronicities by thinking, feeling, sensing and acting in a specific way so as to consciously create them!
This activity is what people call “the secret art of manifestation”. For me, there’s nothing secret about it. It is simply a process of knowing a few keys and the incorporating every day by practicing!
This goes way, way beyond the Law of Attraction that was brought to most of us by “The Secret”, a groundbreaking film that came out in 2006. It’s been 10 years since the film’s DVD release and my question is this: Why are people still having so many issues with creating the life that they want if the “secret” is out?
In my view, the difficulty exists because we are still trying to think the “right thoughts” with our head. And we are still trying to solve our problems within the same construct that created them in the first place.
The true path to creating synchronicities consists of two simple steps. I’ll share step one with you here and invite you to join me in my free online webinar on Thursday August 11 at 5 pm Pacific time to learn how to incorporate both parts of synchronistic manifesting. (webinar info below)
Step one is all about learning how to incorporate your heart’s intuition into your thinking process so that your heart is broadcasting a specific, measurable vibration. (More about this in the webinar.) When you do this, you will start to know what it feels like to live in an open hearted way.
The secret then, is learning the difference between a closed heart and an open heart, and choosing to create from the latter. As we do this, we align with more empowering thoughts. We have a heightened ability to sense the world around us, even on a non-local scale, and to then tap into opportunities that we would not have noticed if our hearts were shut down.
So what does an open heart feel like?
Simple. When your heart is open:
- You feel a sense of connection to yourself and everything around you.
- You are happy to be alive
- You trust the process
- You feel free to explore new things
- You find yourself saying, “I can do it!”
- You stay aware of the possibilities around you
- You listen to your intuition and follow it.
As opposed to this, when your heart is closed, you feel the need to be on guard, you mistrust things and people, you find yourself saying “I can’t because”. In this state, possibilities that are right there can’t make it through because you won’t see them.
In the open-hearted state, you will find yourself being amazed over and over again at things that appear to “just happen”. But they didn’t! Because your heart is open, you created the groundwork, the pathway and the possibility for synchronicity!
Here’s one of my recent examples;
I decided to say no to a distribution deal on my film, Sacred Journey of the Heart, because the contract conditions were just too onerous for me to fulfill. I found myself feeling down for a few days and wondering if I had just rejected the only offer I would ever get to stream my film on a worldwide platform. I caught myself shutting down my heart in self-doubt, criticism and “I can’t do it…”
And that’s the key, I caught myself. In the space of one breath, I opened my heart (step 1) and moved the energy of “I can’t” and all associated feelings (step 2) out of my heart…. And then, effortlessly, I aligned myself with a new possibility rather than seeing this as the end of the road.
The very next day, I received an email to submit my film to GaiaTV, now “Gaia”, and literally sailed through the process of getting the film onto their platform. I’m happy to say that the film debuted on 7-7-2016 and can now be streamed anywhere in the world with an internet connection! Click here to go to Gaia and sign up to see the film. And it’s captioned for ease of understanding.
In one way I was amazed and surprised, and yet, in another, I saw this as a confirmation that I did my part in creating this synchronicity by choosing to follow my simple process.
If you are a seeker of simpler, more effective and enjoyable ways of living in the world, I invite you to join me in exploring this process in depth. You must obtain the password for the event to attend – email me at ronna@sacredjourneyoftheheart.com
Title: Creating Synchronicities
Date & Time: Thursday, August 11th at 5:00 PM Pacific
Attend by Phone:
Guest pin code: 339751#
Primary dial in number: (425) 440-5100
Secondary dial in number: (619) 471-1669
Full list of dial in Numbers:
Event Page:
YOU must email me for the password to this free event: Why? Because it helps me know who is interested in my work – aka, reciprocity! ronna@sacredjourneyoftheheart.com