heart connection

Ronna Prince is a filmmaker and coach certified in many modalities. At the end of this article, is a special offer to participate in newest, life-changing process.

We all know that we are as adults, a product of many things including the impactful influence of our family of origin. As we grow and learn more about what makes us tick, many of us strive to detangle from dysfunctional family patterns to create a more conscious, empowered life. That’s been the crux of my work over the last 15 years and I call it, “conscious soul evolution”.

About 6 months ago, I had a number of my regular clients who were experiencing one of two things: 1) being stuck and/or 2) feeling regret or resentment over the past. If you’ve read my articles over the years, you will know that I have a number of tools to help with this: past life healing, Radical Forgiveness coaching, Brain Tek to rewire the brain’s neurological patterns, HeartMath coaching to de-stress and experience calm and better decision-making. So when all of these tools combined, were not facilitating the type of change I’m used to seeing in my clients, I interpreted this as the time to expand my work.

As it always happens, I had three different people mention a modality that I wasn’t familiar with: Family Constellation (FC) work.  Like Radical Forgiveness, it’s not therapy. It’s a self-help process whereby a facilitator, on in this case, a “Constellator”  guides a client to his/her own awareness about a new perspective relating to a current life issue.  With this synchronistic confirmation, I dove into Family Constellation work for myself first, to get an inside experience for what it’s all about.

Much to my surprise and delight, FC encompasses a bigger, more comprehensive perspective than all my other systems training provided.  In FC work, we take into consideration what can be called the “Family Soul”. And the family soul operates with what FC founder Bert Hellinger calls the Laws of Love.

belonging words

According to Hellinger, the first law of love is Belonging. Simply put, all members of a family soul belong. Sounds simple right? But in actuality, what most of us have experienced on some level, is one or more members of a family (and maybe even ourselves) have been excluded. This exclusion can take make forms: being labeled a “black sheep”, disinheritance, a purposeful cut-off from a problematic family member, an untimely death, a disconnect from one or both parents in early childhood, an adoption and even a miscarriage.

When a family member has been excluded, what happens is that another person in the family, usually someone from a later generation, will unconsciously align with the fate of destiny of the excluded family member and will carry out some part of the other person’s fate. Whoa!

Family entanglement

Family entanglement

This might sound far-fetched and unbelievable. But bear with me for a minute and I’ll see if I can explain it.

Levels of ConsciousnessFirst of all, it’s important to keep in mind that this all occurs on the unconscious level. No one assigns a family member this role but it happens in order to maintain equilibrium in the family system.  Secondly, it’s important to know that relationships with family members (included and excluded), continue to develop even after death! Thirdly, the family soul encompasses a lot more than just blood relatives. It consists of people we bring in through marriage or other significant long-term roles. It includes the ex-partners of our current partners, and it includes generations of our ancestors, even ones we didn’t know. The family soul also includes individuals that have been harmed by our ancestors by acts of violence, theft of a fortune or other significant events that change the destiny of someone else.

Before I had wrapped my mind around all of these concepts, I had my first family constellation process facilitated by an experienced Constellator who has been involved with FC for many years. I’ll give you a personal example of what I experienced.

The issue I wanted help on from my coach was my youngest son’s migraine headaches. Nothing we have tried over the last four years has helped him overcome this debilitating condition. (I’ve tried everything- nutrition, food allergy testing, genetic testing, chiropractic, acupuncture, biofeedback, cognitive behavioral therapy, Reiki, pharmaceutical drugs, and even surgery to ablate the nerves in his head to name a few!)

As we went through the FC process, I was asked a simple question: Did anyone in your family or your parents’ families die early or out of order? My first response was, “No, I don’t think so”. My mother passed way at age 67 but this was not considered early or out of order (like a child dying before the parents.) Then my coach asked me to breathe and go deeper.  Suddenly,  I remembered that my dad’s older brother, the fourth of 4 boys, had died in in 1930 at age 5 from a head injury after falling out of a tree. Five years later, in 1935, my father was born as the “replacement son”. My dad was Son number 5. He was, according to my grandmother, the  son who was never supposed to leave home.  I still remember how my grandmother criticized my mom in front of all of us, for taking her youngest son away from her home. After all, my Grandmother would say, “I didn’t have him at age 40 for him to leave me!!”

To make matters even more interesting, my youngest son is my 5th child. Just like my dad was the 5th son in his family. In FC, I have five children, not four, because we have to count miscarriages.  My first three children’s births were followed by a miscarriage. And Thomas was my fifth pregnancy and fourth live birth.

On top of this, I had purposefully excluded my father from my life when I was age 30. This is when I realized that he was not a safe person to have around my children. So I had a very good reason to exclude him. I excluded him from my life and from my heart. And the heart-part is where the family pattern unconsciously worked its way into the next generation, my own kids.


Sometimes we have good reasons for no longer staying in touch with a family member. Addiction, aggression, abuse, etc.  But the problem comes in when we also decide to exclude them from our hearts and to feel disregard for them. I had blamed my dad, even though I had forgiven him, and thereby excluded him from my heart and excluded him from my family soul. And remember? If someone is excluded, a person in a future generation will unconsciously align with the excluded one to carry out their fate.

The reality is that I loved my dad very much but over the years, I had denied that love. My dad gave me the gift of life. And we also had many fun times together. But I didn’t have the knowledge or resources to understand how important it was to make room for him in my heart and in my Family Soul.

And thus, my fifth child may have unconsciously carried a hidden loyalty to my dad and my dad’s brother who died before my dad was even born. My son’s hidden loyalty showed up in a way that seems clear to me know, after having gone through the FC process: he has suffered with an unremitting pain on one side of his head, and this physical malady, if not resolved, will make it difficult if not impossible for him to leave home!

Pretty wild isn’t it? But it makes sense. With my FC Coach’s guidance, I went through the process of detangling the hidden loyalties and having a discussion, (energetically) with all of my family members involved, including my dad’s brother, my Uncle Wesley. After this process, I felt a tremendous sense of relief. A week or so later, without saying a word to anyone, my son started to perk up. He reported that his headaches were lessening. He was sleeping better. He needed less medication.

It’s been about 2 months now but he continues to improve.  That’s enough evidence for me that FC is working.

no coincidencesI have had many other so-called coincidences since I’ve been studying and starting to practice FC under supervision. Here are a few:

  • After creating a space in her heart for her partner’s ex-wife, the ex-wife called out of the blue and invited my client to an important family event.
  • Another client had experienced a strained relationship with her daughter-in-law, but started to say healing sentences (part of FC) of support and gratitude for her being part of the family. (This process was done as part of the clients work, not face to face with the daughter-in-law). A week later, unsolicited, the daughter-in-law opened up to my client and shared that she had felt anxious and unaccepted by her mother-in-law. The two ended up sharing some deep feelings and are now on a new foundation for their relationship.
  • A client who had suffered miscarriages and an abortion, was having conflicts with her husband because he just didn’t seem to have the same priorities as his wife. After we brought the unborn children back into my client’s heart, she was able to see that she had unconsciously turned away from her husband.  He simply didn’t know how to help her with their losses. But she could see that he deeply loves her. So she began to say healing sentences to her husband (out loud and in person), and reports that they are now closer than ever before. She no longer feels discounted by him. Order was restored in her family.

These are just a few of the experiences I’ve had myself or witnessed in others through this amazing process. FC takes consciousness to another level. It untangles us from repeating the fate of past generations and shows us how to include all of our  family members in our hearts.

If you are interested in this modality, I encourage you to seek out a FC Constellator in your area. Another opportunity is that you can help me as I become certified.  Your case will be confidential but I will have the guidance and mentoring of one of my teachers to help. I am offering this service to three clients only, at a cost of 50% off my regular rate, or $75/hour for our time in sessions.  All that is required is that you have a willingness to explore your family history for a brief time, and to be willing to interface in a different way with your past, in order to create a more conscious, empowered life today! If you are interested, email me: Ronna@sacredjourneyoftheheart.com


Ronna Prince is a filmmaker,  a Certified HeartMath Coach and HeartMath Instructor and a Radical Forgiveness Coach
At the end of this article: Information and web links for my 1 hour free webinar on the process I describe in this article.


A lot of people talk about synchronicity as something that just happens. Something surprising occurs out of the blue and we attribute it to a “coincidence of time”.  The dictionary.com definition of synchronous is:

occurring at the same time; coinciding in time; contemporaneous; simultaneous.


Hence, our tendency is to accept events that surprise us in positive ways as coincidental.  Over the years of exploring consciousness, I have come to conclude that there is very little coincidence, chance or luck involved in synchronous events. And even more so, I have the experience of being able to create synchronicities by thinking, feeling, sensing and acting in a specific way so as to consciously create them!

This activity is what people call “the secret art of manifestation”.  For me, there’s nothing secret about it. It is simply a process of knowing a few keys and the incorporating every day by practicing!

This goes way, way beyond the Law of Attraction that was brought to most of us by “The Secret”, a groundbreaking film that came out in 2006. It’s been 10 years since the film’s DVD release and my question is this: Why are people still having so many issues with creating the life that they want if the “secret” is out?



In my view, the difficulty exists because we are still trying to think the “right thoughts”  with our head. And we are still trying to solve our problems within the same construct that created them in the first place.

The true path to creating synchronicities consists of  two simple steps. I’ll share step one with you here and invite you to join me in my free online webinar on Thursday August 11 at 5 pm Pacific time to learn how to incorporate both parts of synchronistic manifesting. (webinar info below)

Step one is all about learning how to incorporate your heart’s intuition into your thinking process so that your heart is broadcasting a specific, measurable vibration. (More about this in the webinar.)  When you do this, you will start to know what it feels like to live in an open hearted way.

heart truly open

The secret then, is learning the difference between a closed heart and an open heart, and choosing to create from the latter. As we do this, we align with more empowering thoughts. We have a heightened ability to sense the world around us, even on a non-local scale, and to then tap into opportunities that we would not have noticed if our hearts were shut down.

So what does an open heart feel like?

Simple. When your heart is open:

  • You feel a sense of connection to yourself and everything around you.
  • You are happy to be alive
  • You trust the process
  • You feel free to explore new things
  • You find yourself saying, “I can do it!”
  • You stay aware of the possibilities around you
  • You listen to your intuition and follow it.

As opposed to this, when your heart is closed, you feel the need to be on guard, you mistrust things and people, you find yourself saying “I can’t because”. In this state, possibilities that are right there can’t make it through because you won’t see them.

In the open-hearted state, you will find yourself being amazed over and over again at things that appear to “just happen”.  But they didn’t! Because your heart is open, you created the groundwork, the pathway and the possibility for synchronicity!

Here’s one of my recent examples;

I decided to say no to a distribution deal on my film, Sacred Journey of the Heart, because the contract conditions were just too onerous for me to fulfill. I found myself feeling down for a few days and wondering if I had just rejected the only offer I would ever get to stream my film on a worldwide platform. I caught myself shutting down my heart in self-doubt, criticism and “I can’t do it…”

And that’s the key, I caught myself.  In the space of one breath, I opened my heart (step 1) and moved the energy of “I can’t” and all associated feelings  (step 2) out of my heart…. And then, effortlessly, I  aligned myself  with a new possibility rather than seeing this as the end of the road.

The very next day, I received an email to submit my film to GaiaTV, now “Gaia”, and literally sailed through the process of getting the film onto their platform.  I’m happy to say that the film debuted on 7-7-2016 and can now be streamed anywhere in the world with an internet connection!  Click here to go to Gaia and sign up to see the film. And it’s captioned for ease of understanding.


In one way I was amazed and surprised, and yet, in another, I saw this as a confirmation that I did my part in creating this synchronicity by choosing to follow my simple process.

If you are a seeker of simpler, more effective and enjoyable ways of living in the world, I invite you to join me in exploring this process in depth. You must obtain the password for the event to attend – email me at ronna@sacredjourneyoftheheart.com

Title: Creating Synchronicities
Date & Time: Thursday, August 11th at 5:00 PM Pacific

Attend by Phone:
Guest pin code: 339751#
Primary dial in number: (425) 440-5100
Secondary dial in number: (619) 471-1669
Full list of dial in Numbers:

Event Page:

YOU must email me for the password to this free event: Why? Because it helps me know who is interested in my work – aka, reciprocity! ronna@sacredjourneyoftheheart.com


by Ronna Prince 
Note: I call “dark stress”, the kind of stress that unknowingly you take on just because it’s all around you. BelowL HOW TO SHIFT IT!

You may have heard the frequent reports on the news over the last few weeks about the shortage of TSA agents at the airports and the resultant long security lines, missed flights, and in Phoenix last week, 3,000 bags that didn’t even get on airplanes at all because the bag checking machines broke down!


So this morning, I went to the airport prepared to put my own tools and techniques in to practice. I talked about some of them in my article “Laughing it Up with the TSA” but that was before the TSA shortage of 6,000 agents in the face of a predictable increase in airline travel.

air travel increase

Apparently, I really meant to test myself because two unusual things happened this morning. 1) For the first time ever, I went to the wrong side of the terminal (the D gates) and waited in the pre-check line, until it was my turn to be ID-checked, only to have the TSA agent send me to the other side of the terminal to get into the A gates line. So I had to go through waiting in line again!  And 2) I “beeped” through the security gate and got pulled over into the random security check line with 4 other people.

 We were all corralled into a corner by a mafia-looking supervisor while we waited to have our hands swabbed for explosive residue – (I wanted to say, “I promise I washed my hands before coming to the airport!” – but just like with cops, I know it’s best to keep your mouth shut and have a pleasant grin on your face.)  

While I was waiting in all of these lines, I noticed the high-level of stress swirling all around me. And I noticed also that despite my intentions, I had started to absorb the other people’s stress (OPS) around me by thinking “Group-think” nasty thoughts, and feeling stressed-out myself. I saw people grumbling, huffing big annoyed sighs, eyeball rolling and outright complaining along with some yelling. “This is ludicrous!” My own chatterbox mind was going a mile a minute, commenting internally, criticizing myself for getting in the wrong line with the wrong shoes, thinking nasty thoughts about the “TSA mafia” and judging others for their wrong behavior when there was nothing that they could do about the TSA procedures and lines.

“Hold the Phone!!”, I reminded myself! I just forgot to do what I know to do because I let dark OPS sneak up on me. I call “dark stress”, the kind of stress that you take on just because it’s all around you.  This has a real and detrimental effect on the health of our bodies, the state of our emotions and the quality of our thoughts. We all know what this feels like, and if we take on enough of it, it internalizes and leads to all kinds of health problems.

Where does this dark stress come from? It comes from the heart-signals that everyone, including ourselves, is broadcasting into the environment around us. This is not woo-woo energy stuff, but the real and measurable signals that emanate from our hearts


If we feel annoyed, angry, spiteful and worried, all of that has a frequency and that is what we send out to everyone around us. So the more we are in the middle of it, the more it can impact us so that we too, become attracted into doing, feeling and thinking the same dark OPS things!

So given the current conditions at the airport, it’s a place that we can easily be impacted/bombarded by the dark or negative emotions and thoughts of all the people around us. This applies of course, to every situation in our lives where there is stress – in family squabbles, a competitive working environment and in the impact of constant information coming at us through our electronic devices. So the question is: can we do anything about it?

As you know, the answer is we absolutely can do something simple and empowering to cancel out the impact of dark OPS. But even more, we can shift the energy around us by choosing to be a positive or light-hearted contributor in stressful places and situations.

So when I caught myself in the swirl of dark OPS, I went into my “Airport ZEN” mode. I did not detach from the situation and people around me, I stayed engaged and chose to change it.


 I shifted my focus from the outside and into the Observer Self on the inside. I sat back and observed myself watching what was going on inside my own mind as well as seeing the energies swirling around me. “Who am I?”,  I asked. I am the one observing, I am the one who sees. (Note: for those of you interested in numerology, the question, “Who Am I?” =33.  33 is called the Master Spiritual Teacher number!)

In one second, everything quieted down inside, and I remembered to focus on my heart. I remembered to let go of the outside AND the inside noise by concentrating on the subtle feeling in my heart.  And then, and only then, did I deepen into compassion. Compassion for the people around me, for myself and for the TSA.

Everything changed for me in this moment. I was happy to be exactly where I was, waiting to get my hands checked by a young, stressed out TSA agent.  Instead of resenting him, I opened my heart and sent out a big wave of gratitude. I looked directly at him heart-fully saying, “Thanks so much!” as he gave me the “all clear” signal. Yes! Indeed I was all clear and I knew that in that moment, I had contributed to a clear space around me and maybe even brightened the young TSA agent’s day.  


This little practice takes only a second or two to shift into and it completely cancels out the impact of Other People’s Stress in our own daily life. And even more importantly, when we truly open our hearts we are able share a ray of happiness and gratitude that just may help others. When we can lessen others’ stress, if only for a moment, we receive the gift of continuing on our journey with more lightness and joy inside our hearts.

Cheers to enjoying traveling the friendly skies where YOU can make a difference!

For more information on HeartMath coaching and my Triple Heart Healing Technique, please contact me at ronna@modernmastery.com



by Ronna Prince 
I am a certified coach, HeartMath Instructor and master numerologist. See information below about my online webinar: the all-new Triple Heart Technique.

In the 6 months, since I’ve unveiled my new Triple Heart Technique, I’ve really shifted my personal habits and my coaching practice to STOP playing small and START living large!live-large

Below is a quick checklist for you to run through to see if you’re playing small and thereby experiencing “ROT-itis”. Rot-itis is defined as a practiced state of engaging in Repeating Old Themes. This condition is a slowly, simmering one that can eat-away at the foundation of your life purpose and mission. Engaging is the key verb, because to engage means “attract and occupy the attention of”.  It is a choice to engage in old patterns!

And it is always possible to start New. Below, I’ll share what my N-E-W acronym means.

But the first step to disengage is to “Spot the ROT”.

wood rot

The interesting thing about “rot” is that it usually happens under the surface and is related to water seepage that goes undetected. This is a direct analogy for what happens to us, as human beings when we don’t pay attention and take care of our emotional health and well-being. After all, most of us have had little to no education about emotions and how to effectively manage them as a key part of our lives. As an element, water is most often associated with emotions – so it doesn’t take much of  a leap to see the connection with undetected rot-itis and emotional seepage!

Once you spot the rot, the next steps flow with ease, like taking off a shoe that’s giving you a blister. You don’t have to keep wearing the shoe that doesn’t fit anymore, that rubbed you raw from too much repetition! You can take it off and put on a new shoe that you choose for lasting comfort.

Woman rubbing her feet

Pay special attention if you find yourself saying, “If it was that easy, I would have already done it!” Well, the truth is, if you responded with that comment in your head, see #2 below.

Here’ is Checklist to help you “spot the ROT” (keep track of how many of these you identify with as going on in your life):

  1. You wake up in the morning and you want to stay in bed 10 minutes more.
  2. You find yourself saying the words, “I can’t because….”
  3. You procrastinate on taking care of your daily responsibilities (i.e. making the bed, doing the dishes, laundry or picking up after yourself, paying the bills etc.)
  4. You procrastinate on the BIG stuff – (i.e. taking action to pursue your important goals)
  5. You indulge in negative self-talk in any form – (i.e. I’m too tired, fat, poor, unintelligent.. )
  6. You make excuses for not doing things –(i.e. connecting with friends, taking up that new hobby you want to do, planning your activity for the next day, week, month or year.)
  7. You get caught up in old family stories
  8. You let yourself go- (i.e. get overweight, stop working out, stop looking your best)
  9. You hesitate to make connections with “movers and shakers”, thinking they are too busy to engage with you.
  10. You settle for less.

How many of these do you do?

Here is how to score yourself:

0-2: No problem, you’re just being human and we all have a few off days.

3-4: Caution, ROT may be setting in. Take action now!

5-6: ROT is taking hold. It’s time to call in the excavators.

7+: You’ve got a serious case of ROT-itis. It’s time to learn a new skill and clear it all out!

The good news is that no matter where you are on the scale, you can easily change this by choosing to get back in charge of your life, putting yourself first and reclaiming your innate power to create your life.

I call this process establishing a “New Now”. N-E-W stands for Nurturing Emotional Well-being.  When you do this, it results in a powerful feeling of renewal, empowerment and life mastery!

Here is what it looks and feels like when you are living in the New Now:

  1. You wake up every day and are excited to get out of bed
  2. You are full of creative ideas and ideas to implement them, “I am able because….”
  3. You take care of your daily responsibilities with appreciation and gratitude
  4. You take action each day to pursue your important goals
  5. You encourage yourself by focusing on how good it feels to be making progress
  6. You find ways to do things that are important to you, and catch yourself quickly if you starting putting off the fun things in life
  7. You spot old family stories right away, and instead of engaging and energizing them, you smile on the inside (and out!) and are grateful that they no longer control you.
  8. You take care of yourself and you know that true beauty is an inside job.
  9. You reach out and feel worthy to make a connection with anyone including the  “movers and shakers”, and you realize that you too are a change-maker
  10. You go for it!

So what’s the easy way to shift into creating a New Now, free of ROT?

First, let me say that in coaching people as long as I have (12+years), it can happen that I find myself in a rut and then I have to create a way to get out of it! These are big self-teaching opportunities that can become the springboard for great new ideas. That’s exactly how I created my new Triple Heart Technique that very easily moves stuck energy and emotion out of the body, mind and spirit and creates room for new things to blossom.


THT Logo triple heart

On Saturday, April 2nd, I’m doing a video interview with Lisa Winston as part of her ongoing online summit, Life Mastery After 40. When you tune in to our talk, you will be able to see exactly how this three step works and how easy it is!

Register for Life Mastery and watch my video interview

If you’d like to go even deeper into understanding the power of this easy process and how it works, you can purchase my online webinar here.

Stay tuned for more on this new, easy technique or contact me for more information now!

All –New Heart-Healing plus Quantum physics discovery combine to create an effective and powerful manifesting technique!

On Saturday, December 5th at 10 am Central Daylight time, I will be presenting a two-hour webinar on the Triple Heart Healing Technique. (Click here or see below for details)

Have you ever made a discovery about how life operates at its most basic level that it nearly knocked your socks off? And created a big rush of tingling all over which feels like a physiological confirmation about fundamental truth?

Knock your sock off!

Knock your sock off!

I believe that I made this type of discovery in preparing for my recent webinar on Manifesting with the 12 Universal Laws of Consciousness. The awareness I had resulted in synthesizing a powerful, effective method for mastering our own life circumstances.

I’m calling my new method The Triple Heart Healing Technique (THHT) and it involves learning about the physiological presence and function of our two “hidden hearts”.

THT Logo triple heart

Once you know about this, you can then learn how to easily move stuck emotions through the mind-heart-body and thereby creating a new signal that gets broadcast into the field around you. When you do this, you then have the capacity to consciously interact at the quantum level with the Law of Assumption – the 12th of 12 Universal Laws. The Law of Assumption is the highest manifesting law and in mastering this, many new possibilities expand into reality!

The Origin of THHT:

I actually created the technique in 2008 but didn’t start using it until late 2014 because I didn’t realize the power of what this process unleashes! At first, I thought it was another nice meditation that resulted in inner calm and balance. But when I started using it with consistency and a higher level of understanding of the Laws, I began to notice that things were changing very, very quickly!

In fact, so quickly that I actually went through the 5 stages of “reality altering emotional process”! I borrow this from the Kubler-Ross 5 stage grief model. When our reality or paradigm shifts suddenly, whether it’s caused by an unexpected diagnosis or any other sudden shift of our reality, we will go through these stages.

In the Kubler-Ross model for grief, the stages are:

—-denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance

In my adapted model for the 5 stages of “positive paradigm shift”, the stages are similar at the beginning and end, but different in the middle:

—-denial, excitement, verifying, doubt and acceptance

Here’s how the process went for me and many of my clients when we combined the THHT with our awareness of the highest Universal Laws:

Denial: “The result I just experienced is related to something else” ; “This is just a coincidence”; “It can’t be this easy” (red alert: this statement can kill change before it has a chance to sink in!);

Excitement: “Wow! This really works” “I’m going to share this with everyone!” “Why didn’t anyone tell me this before?” “I can’t believe it!” (stay on the lookout for this statement because it is very negating unless you catch it quickly!)

Verifying: “I’m going to test this out on everything”; “This is working!”; “I’m going to see if my friends experience the same thing”

Doubt: This sets in when some things you are working on take a little longer (an effect that I explain in relation to the 7th Universal Law, the Law of Attraction – i.e. Why it takes longer to manifest a new love interest than a parking space!) “This isn’t working anymore!”; “This is just like everything else I’ve tried – it works for awhile and then stops”; “I don’t have time to keep this up.”

Acceptance: If you continue to use the technique and experience results and transformation, the 5th stage sets in: “I am a powerful manifestor!”; “I am so happy to be in the driver’s seat of my life now!” “I am empowered!”

empowerment zone

The sooner we recognize this 5-stage process and have a technique to help us, the easier and faster it is to navigate. Before my discovery, I would NOT have used the word “faster” because I had an experienced-based belief that transformation takes time – a long time. I believed that true and deep transformation is related to many factors, internal and external.  And that a big part of it was the repetitive and consistent practice over time of learning to master emotions.

But now I know just how fast the transformative process can be. For example, I had been searching for an explanation and a cure for a mystery illness one of my children had been struggling with for a few years. After countless and frustrating attempts to uncover what was at the root of his symptoms, the answer came in a day after we did the Triple Heart Healing Technique together! He is now in the road to regaining his health and getting on with life as a teenager.

The Key Factor:

The gist of how the technique works is based on something you probably already know. But the shift of it resides in a few things you might not yet know!

Very simply put, the underlying issue in having difficulty creating the life we desire is “inconsistent vibration”.  And the inconsistent vibration is a conflict between thoughts and emotions.  In other words, a conflict between your head and your heart. And because our culture emphasizes the intellect and the mind, we learn early on in life to ignore the wisdom and intuition of our hearts – and in doing so, disconnect from our most powerful energetic organ that we have!

For example:

In your mind you can think and repeat this thought: “I am Successful”

But if you truly feel: Anxiety about your current situation, Fear of not measuring up, or Shame about past failures, your heart will be broadcasting this emotion-based signal every moment!

head heart

No wonder it can be hard to change our circumstances if we don’t know HOW to access and tap into different energies to create a different outcome.

I’m sure you’ve heard the Einstein quote that says the definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different outcome. So how, exactly, do we do something different?

That’s the HOW-To that comes into play in the Triple Heart Healing Technique.  We learn to tap into the hidden heart energies in our own physiology while at the same time accessing a new quantum reality….

What’s really interesting is that one of the latest theories in quantum physics provides the “how-to” of accessing expanded possibilities. So we no longer have to rely on the “old” to create something new! The latest discovery in quantum physics is upending the current understanding of Quantum Wave Mechanics- you know, the theory that we probably first encountered either in advanced science classes or in the “What the Bleep Do We Know?” film; if you saw this film you may remember the particle-wave duality that was briefly explained.

When I learned how the particle-wave duality is now understood, this was the moment that knocked my socks off! I’ve figured out how to translate this new understanding into our own lives and shift out of old patterns!

If you are interested in the intersection of science and spirituality, you may want to join me for my online webinar where I share the hidden heart energy, the quantum experiment and a step-by-step practice for manifesting a new reality!  Click here to register
In the webinar, I will be covering:

The Triple Heart structure: Biology, energetics and moving stuck emotions through the hidden hearts

The 12 Chromatic Chakras – the missing link: the 5 Aquarian chakras for healing and balance

The latest quantum physics Theory and what it means for us as human beings

The Triple Heart Healing Technique: what it is, how to do it, and what to expect

If you are ready to try something totally new, based on a new process and new scientific understanding, click here to register!

Here’s what people are saying about the Triple Heart Healing Technique:  

“The Triple Heart Technique is absolutely Amazing! It is so fast and so simple…when I was driving last week, I was in an emotional state that just seemed to pop up, so I pulled into a store parking lot and used it. The relief was instant.  It’s such a gift.  Thank You!” BH

“ I now have a sense of understanding how to manifest that makes me feel like “oh, I get this now”. You just made it more real for me!  Thank you, again!  I love your work!” Kathy W

“I haven’t felt such a deep sense of peace for a long time – and it only took a few minutes! No wonder I was procrastinating, there was too much mind chatter going on and now I’m calm and get on with things. Thank you!” Rhonda C

“I love how you combine DNA healing music with the triple heart… I can feel my cells changing –and have a new outlook on life!” Cheryl A

In gratitude and with blessings for a heart-centered holiday season!


When our Work and our Worth get Entangled… Part 2 of Creating from the Clear Heart Series.

If you’d like to learn more about the process of Creating from the Clear Heart, please email me for the code and PIN for my free webinar replay!  ronna@modernmastery.com


I get about 5 to 6 emails a day from experts on some topic related to “how to change my life”. This is a result of placing a high value on growth and consciousness, spirituality and the pursuit of excellence in my personal and professional life. Because of this, I’ve signed up for lots of newsletters, telesummits and workshops over the years. Many of the emails are focused on what others think may be wrong with me and “how to fix it”! About one week into the New Year, I received this presumptuous email from a “guru” that really turned me off.

Here’s what it said: From a self-help leader: “Hi Ronna! You seem to be a little bit confused about exactly what your mission is here on planet Earth.  I would like to offer a bit of help.” Wow! I didn’t think I was confused… not even a “little bit”! I know exactly why I am here and I believe that everyone knows this in their hearts. In fact, my youngest child asked me when he was 5 years old, “Mom, Why I am here?” He really meant it in the BIG way, and not related to why we were in a particular room in the house.  I told him: “Why don’t you sit down and get quiet, and ask yourself this question.” He did. After about 15 seconds, he jumped up and said: “I am here to help parents and kids love each other.”  As the saying goes…. From the mouths of babes oft comes great wisdom.

Not Complicated

This leads me to Part 2 of the article I posted on 1-31-2015. My previous blog is entitled: “When Love and Control Get Confused”. The same process that I described in that article is present if someone is struggling with life purpose. Underneath this struggle, invariably is an entanglement with work and worth. When our Work and our Worth get confused or entangled, we can be assured that we are not creating from a clear heart. Instead, we are going about our work from an underlying place of fear. Or to say it another way, we are creating from a place of the head and a list of “should’s”… such as, “I should stay at the job that I dislike because I might not get a better one… I should be responsible… I should do what’s expected of me… I should play it safe and stay with the known.”

Another factor that is often “at work” in this issue is creating from a common misconception:  believing that the work we do in the world, determines our worth.  In the webinar on February 12th, I will share with you how I untangled from this common fallacy in 2014…. It was a challenging process, like many of life’s most important lessons. The backdrop of this lesson was that someone I trusted attempted to take everything, and I mean every “thing” that I had worked to create in my adult life. I will share what happened in 2014 during the call. And because of the sensitive nature of what I will share with you, I may not rebroadcast the webinar, so if you are interested, be sure to tune in! (see details below.)

Back to my son’s wisdom at age 5: I believe that we each have this clarity and that we don’t need someone else to help us remember what we have forgotten (if we have!) As adults, the process of remembering our purpose can be a bit more involved than it is for children who are free of mental clutter, responsibilities and obligations. But the process of tapping into profound insight is the same. But before we can “Change” or do something differently, I believe that we owe it to ourselves to STOP trying to change and first accept where we are now. However, acceptance alone is not the key ingredient. The key ingredient is understanding the purpose that is served by being exactly where we are – whether it’s financial, health, relationship, career, social connections, or just basic dissatisfaction with our lives in general.

Growth not change

Growth not change

I believe that life is all about growth. However, growth does not always lead to change. Some growth creates the wisdom to stay where we are and how we are  because we see the value in what we have created. The key word here is wisdom.

In my experience, only when I quit trying to change, was lasting change really possible. In essence, I grew rather than changed. There is a big difference between these two things.

One of the first steps in my life-transition coaching, is to guide clients through a “deep dive” process into the 360 degree review I created and outlined in my film, Sacred Journey of the Heart. I came up with this process to help clients observe the clues all around them which always reflect the deeper meaning about why things are the way they are.  When we take the time to actually do this, vs stop trying to change the way things are, awareness and insight bursts through and from here, lasting change is possible.

The same 3 factors I described in my previous article are at work in untangling our work from our worth. http://sacredjourneyoftheheart.com/blog/?p=236

So what impels us to grow? I’ve heard the concept of “divine discontent”. This is the idea that it is our discontent that drives us to align with a deeper heart-space and a higher spiritual purpose. According to this idea, our shortcomings lead us to change. And the desire to change is driven by unhappiness, dissatisfaction and disconnect from something essential.

In my years of coaching and counseling, I’ve discovered that trying to change from a foundation of discontent, leads to more of the same. Why? Because we are trying to create something new, from a basis of the old. It would be like trying to plant a garden in a fallow patch of earth.

Fertile soildepleted soil

My suggestion is to allow yourself to be motivated to grow by accepting and understanding where you are now. If you feel out of sync with your work, you may want to explore my Clear Heart process.

Here are some signs of an entanglement with work and worth:

  • Conflicts with people at work that are distracting and disruptive
  • Getting annoyed with your boss and co-workers
  • Feeling exhausted at the end of the day
  • Believing that you are not in the right line of work
  • Trying to convince yourself that you are working at a certain job because you have to
  • Believing that your work reflects upon your worthiness

The question again is: Why do we do this and accept these conditions? The answer is the same as in my previous article. Many of us grew up believing that work and worthiness are inextricably woven together. And if we believe this on any level, we then think that we need to change our work in order to change our lives.

I presented a free webinar on The Clear Heart Program on 2-12. The replay of the event is available by request: ronna@modernmastery.com

Happy Heart Month!


3 easy steps!

We’ve all heard that speaking in public is the #1 fear reported in most surveys about fears and phobias. For most people, it ranks above fear of failure and fear of death.  To me, fear of public speaking is an extension of a deeper issue: fear of speaking from the heart.

What if you had no fear of speaking from your heart, not just in public, but in your relationships, at work and even in those day to day interactions that contain small (or large) annoyances, like someone crowding in front of you in a line, being treated rudely by a store clerk or being ignored?

Read the rest of this entry